feather loss

  1. luckydawn

    Feather loss, not molting

    3 yr old buff orpington roo was attacked last summer by a fox but recovered. Now he is noticed to be very lethargic, laying around, and with patches of feather loss. I brought him in to see what's happening and found tiny yellowish larve(head of a pin size) and all remaining feathers have lint...
  2. R

    9 month old chicken losing feathers?

    Today my husband picked up one of our chickens and when he did he noticed she was bare on her chest. She is not broody , she seems healthy, laid an egg this morning and has been laying an egg everyday for weeks now. ( started laying in December ) she has no pin feathers and seems perfectly fine...
  3. mychickensgivemelife

    1 of my black astrolorps has no feathers on her back, what can I do?

    I have 6 lovely black astrolorps a called the Fockers, this 1 has no feathers on her back and it’s been like this for awhile. The others peck at her new feathers trying to grow, but now it’s seems like they’re not even appearing anymore. I’m not sure what I can do, all my other chickens have...
  4. A

    Chicken missing feathers

    I have 3 hens, and one of them has feather loss on her chest/neck and belly. It doesn’t always look red, but sometimes it looks REAAAAALLY red. For example when i took the attatched photos, ten minutes earlier it wasn’t red at all, and then it looked like that. Ive wormed them and given them...
  5. Epnh77

    Feather loss around neck

    Hi! I have one chicken who has lost feathers in a ring around her neck. There are no visible injuries or bugs. Her eating habits are fine and I haven’t observed the one rooster we have being rough with her or any of the hens. I’m hoping someone has thoughts or ideas based on experiences with...
  6. B

    Hen Losing Feathers! Bad mites?

    My 1 year old hen, Rosie, is rapidly losing feathers, mostly on her back. She just finished becoming broody, and this is her first "molt" of adulthood. She has overall been pretty healthy, and is a black australorp/ISA brown cross and her parents have no issues. I'm thinking it's bad feather...
  7. S

    Chicken with feather loss

    I'm wondering if anyone can just guide me with my feather loss. I have 4 girls but all different breeds. Only one has feather loss and I thought it was moulting but it has been going on over 12 weeks now I just don't believe it is. She is the biggest hen so no bullying and eating, drinking fine.
  8. A

    Mysterious balding on my hen.

    So to start this post it needs to be clear that this is my first time owning chickens, and although i’ve had them for over a year i’m still learning. So i have three hens, and two female ducks who are peas in a pod(?). for the last year that i’ve had my chickens and the last 5 months i’ve had...
  9. M

    Permanently split or no?

    Still new to chickens here and looking for some advice. We’re considering a bachelor flock for our six boys 😱 Different sizes, the little guys leave the big girls alone and (most of) the big guys leave the small girls alone. We have one Brahma rooster crushing badly on a 1lb bantam hen but...
  10. E

    Sick chicken semi-recovering but still watery poop

    Hello, I have looked at so many posts (and gross poop pictures!) but can’t find same specifics— During the heat wave a few weeks ago our 1year 8 month chicken got very sick - not leaving the roost, all liquid poop, empty crop and missing feathers around her bottom & chest while we were away...
  11. D

    One hen died and two others have same symptoms

    We had a single hen with severe feather loss on her bottom and back where her tail meets. This was even though the winter. Nothing helped and she one afternoon died. She had quickly developed a large sore on her back. Now two others are showing the same signs. I’ve cleaned the entire coop and...
  12. B

    Cuckoo Maran not growing feathers back

    Hi I bought two cuckoo maran bantam pullets in mid February. When I got there the seller had lost my order and presumably sold all the good stock because he only had one with a completely bald bottom and one with only three tail feathers left. The seller told me they would grow back in a...
  13. W

    Feather loss

    Hello. Any idea what’s going on with my hen’s back? None of my other hens are missing feathers. We do have a rooster.
  14. O

    URGENT: Chickens losing feathers on base of tail!

    Someone please help me, My birds have recently started losing feathers near the base of their tail. They are quite young, turning a year old next month. They have been laying a lot of eggs regardless of illness (all my birds have a history of so, the two that died in the past laid eggs on their...
  15. FrenchFlock

    Araucana: plucked ear feathers won’t grow back?!

    My 10-month old Aracauna “calendar girl” was supposed to attend the French Aracauna championships this month but is banned from competing because her right ear tuft is missing. :( Another hen pulled the feathers out last fall and while she has successfully molted and has a lovely new “coat”...
  16. L

    Bare skin and poor feather growth

    Hello all! I recently inherited two Rhode Island Red hens (about 2 or 3 years old) as my Pop passed away a month ago. Any chickens that my Pop kept always ended up losing most of their feathers - poor things!! No one is sure why and being a silly old man he didn't seem to think much of it. I...
  17. PandemicChicken

    Sole chicken has thinning wing feathers, but recovering from mites and molting?

    Hi, this is my 1st time posting and 1st time chicken owner after my dad irresponsibly bought chicks in March 2020. We experienced a predator attack that left us emotionally traumatized, with only 1 small hen left named Jin (we thought Jin was a cute name but didn't know the chick's gender at the...
  18. Shadrach

    Do your hens go off their usual feed when they moult?

    For a great many chicken health topics we get our information from research done by or with the chicken egg and meat producing companies. Most of the hens I know of that go through a particularly heavy moult do so in their second year and most battery hens are killed at this age because egg...
  19. S

    Saddle feathers not growing back

    Hello! I have four chickens, and this last winter, three of them molted off their back/saddle feathers. To keep them warm, I gave them aprons which they wore all winter, but when I took them off in spring, the feathers were still missing. I haven't observed any feather picking between them...
  20. D

    Sick duck

    I got two ducks recently for my backyard (5 weeks ago). They were very active and healthy but as they are growing older, they just seem sickly to me. They have a pool and duck specific feed. We live in AZ and it is summer so it is hot, but we've hand poultry before and it wasnt an issue. One of...
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