feather loss

  1. S

    Feather loss question

    hello! I have a chicken that started losing feathers several months ago. At first I thought she was beginning to molt, but it has never spread beyond the neck/shoulder area. Here are my observations: -feathers seem to dry out/break off midshaft -no bleeding or scabs. Occasional redness on skin...
  2. 5

    Missing Feathers Mystery

    Hello! So, November 2020 through January 2021, my chickens were molting. Only one of my hens had a hard molt, another lost feathers around her neck, while the others barely molted. The hen who had a hard molt grew her feathers back 2-3 months ago, while my featherless necked hen didn't. I...
  3. B

    Severe feather loss

    Hi all. I am hoping you can help me! I have an astrolorp that is consistantly losing feathers and is about to lose them all at this rate. Her feathers are missing on her bottom and now her entire chest. I have read on molting, impacted crop, sour crop... the list is long. This is my first...
  4. B

    Feather loss spreading from head down body

    Hello- we have 3 peking bantam chickens who have recently started mating. The cockerel started going bald just on his head and we rang a local vet who put this down to the stress of the first mating season. He has now lost feathers all the way down his neck too. One of the hens (the smallest...
  5. veetown707

    Odd bald spot with an odor on my hen

    I have a hen who is definitely getting up in years now. I've had her 6 years, she was full grown when I got her. Anyway, she still is very active and spunky normally. I recently dealt with 2 problems simultaneously with her. We had a Northern fowl mite infestation which I treated with warm baths...
  6. LovejoyHomestead

    Hen Losing Hair Atop Her Head

    I’ve got a hen who is suddenly balding stop her head. None of my other girls are losing feathers (we have 14 girls in total — no roosters). The last time mites entered into our coop they caused scaley feet which she does not seem to have. But I know this is sometimes a sign of mites. Just...
  7. A

    Please help, advice needed regarding base of the tail feather loss!! Rooster has been gone for 2 months.

    Hello! My 5 hens just turned a year old. Four of them have some feather loss near the base of the tail; you can see the under fluff. One of the four actually has a bald patch that is red but not scabby, it looks like there are pin feathers but it has looked that way for several weeks without...
  8. I

    Feather loss on back and wings

    Hello, One of my RIRs has had some serious feather loss on her back and wings. She is one of six chickens and none of the others are having such extreme loss. I am assuming it is from pecking since no one else is missing many feathers and she is not scratching at all but I have not seen any...
  9. farmgirl216

    Bright red skin and no feathers

    A few days ago I noticed my amerucana rooster has no feathers on one leg and has lost quite a few tail feathers. Also his skin is very red in those places without feathers. His leg appears to possible be trying to grow feathers back. He is in a pen/coop with 5 hens and they are all perfectly...
  10. H

    Are my hens moulting properly?

    I have been worried about 2 of our hens. We only have 3 and are quite new to this. I think one of them is getting broody as she keeps laying on the eggs and breaking them. She is losing a lot of feathers between her legs (really couldn’t get a picture) the area looks extremely red and I can’t...
  11. LindaO

    Sudden behavior change and patchy feathers

    Noticed a sudden behavior change in one of my red star hens. She is normally noisy, active, curious, and assertive (pecks). I had them shut in the coop for a couple days due to cold temperatures. When I checked on them she hung back, and later when I let them into the run, she peeked out the...
  12. chickbee

    HELP, Contagious Diseases that look like Mareks?

    What are some other contagious diseases that might present like Marakes? Or cause sudden extreme feather loss and balance issues? Before Christmas I lost a hen that ended up with her being unable to see, balance issues, wasting away and some other symptoms. We ended up putting her down at our...
  13. S-t-o-n-e

    Hen losing feathers on neck

    When most people hear this they are gonna think rooster, but he’s not doing this I have a hen who is about 9 months old and is losing feathers on her neck, but only on the front and bottom parts of her neck, ( a bit on the middle too ) it only started maybe last week, the pattern doesn’t match...
  14. KerriChick

    Chicken feather losing mystery...

    My 9 month old cuckoo marans is losing feathers. She is too young to moult, correct? I have checked her for signs of mites or lice and she looks clean. She also seems a bit slower and slightly less alert. She is not wheezy or breathing weird, all seems well there. She is still doing all her...
  15. chickmamat

    Muscovy Losing Feathers + Lethargic

    Hey all! To start, yes, I know Muscovy are not technically ducks. Now that that’s out of the way lol.... I am a chicken person, never owned water fowl. A friend at our local animal shelter reached out because they had a Muscovy that was dumped at a local park. She is unbelievably sweet and...
  16. lang4800

    Blisters on feet, belly feather loss

    Hi, I am very concerned about my chicken. First, we live in Colorado and recently had to evacuate due to the fires. We took my ladies with us but they had to live in a large, wire, dog kennel for about 8 days. They are now back in their coop. I have two chickens. One is completely fine no...
  17. K

    Just Joined BYC! Could use some guidance on an issue w/ Silkie Chicks!

    Hello fellow chicken lovers. Introducing myself to BYC and looking for some guidance. As of this past summer, I am a new chicken mama to 3 silkies (hopefully hens, but still not sure!). I am obsessed with them and I have read so many helpful threads on this site, thanks for sharing your...
  18. K

    Strange Feather Loss & Scaly Dry Skin on 14 Wk Old Silkies - HELP!

    Hello. This is my first post on backyard chickens. As of this past summer, I am a new chicken mama to 3 silkies (hopefully hens, but still not sure!). I have read so many helpful threads on this site. Hoping someone with more experience can provide a little guidance on a feather loss issue! My...
  19. Norma_Lorp

    Odd feather loss

    Hi all- I just went to close up the coop and noticed one of my hens has a bare spot on her bottom. Feathers everywhere in coop and in the run . The fluffy down feathers and also some big ones that seem like they’d be tough to pull out. She shares the area with two others that she grew up with...
  20. A

    Missing feathers and a few scabs?? New chicken.

    So a little back story, my daughter wanted a little Brahma pullet so we got her. She was 10 weeks old then. It’s been about..... a month? Give or take a week.... when we got her I noticed she didn’t have any feathers under her wings. That’s the only place missing any. She still has what...
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