
  1. E

    Young Chicken Death. Fighting? Roo issue?

    Hello! I am new to chickens and have done a fairly large amount of research but I am at a loss here. I have 3 young Ayam Cemani chickens, about 6 1/2 weeks old, that I raised from eggs...I went out to check on them and one was dead! just laying there lifeless. I have no idea what happened. I...
  2. Goose_Goose

    Ganders fighting!!!

    Hello, I've been having some problems with two of my Ganders. Their names are Gus and Puddles. Just yesterday they started fighting resulting in Gus getting a cut under his eye. I seperated them and took care of the eye injury which wasn't too bad. What I don't understand is why they fought in...
  3. Ellyhutch

    Why is my Muscovy hen being so aggressive??

    My dear Muscovy, Cheech, has developed some concerning behavior in the past 24 hours. She's been more vocal and a bit needier of my attention than usual, and now she's attacking my 3 youngest. They were introduced and started sharing and run and coop in August. Since then, she's basically...
  4. R

    Mildly urgent- one rooster if three is picked on and I’m going away next week

    Hi, hope it’s ok to post here. Have three roosters, silkies (plain silkie, frizzle silkie and showgirl) raised from chicks hoping for at least one hen. I’ve put two up online for new homes, and will get hens for the remaining boy. The one I’m keeping is picked on by the others. I only found out...
  5. T

    What should I be doing for this? Anything?

    I have two BB white turkeys. I'm pretty sure at this point they're both Tom's but they're only 12 weeks old so it's hard to tell. They've been fighting and one of them now has a sore on his chest. It seems to be healing okay, but is there anything I need to be doing for him to help out? Should...
  6. Angelique123456

    Gander issues

    Hello all It’s been about year since I have listed any problems. I have an issue with my male geese. I have a few Chinese gees and regular white and buff geese. As seen in the pictures below. I raised most of them except one Chinese geese and the female buff. The issue am having is that the 2...
  7. A

    Roosters hurt my chicken and I don't know why??

    Can someone tell me if this a hen or a rooster? Problem is that it keeps getting pecked till it bleeds(check image above), i have other hens and roosters u can easily tell but this one im no so sure , i mean it does not fight back , it does not roost in the morning , or is aggressive at all ...
  8. S

    When will my Muscovy father and son start fighting?

    So unfortunately I ended up with 2 girls and 4 boys in my brood of ducklings. I have decided to keep one of the males and get rid of the other 3 and my drake (their father). Trouble is that I have listed them on Craigslist and have continued to lower the price down to practically nothing and...
  9. 5

    🐓🐓Flock Integration Advice

    Hello chicken enthusiasts! Back in April, I was only able to get two barred rock (due to some specific circumstances). I had them in the run for a few weeks, so that they would know that it was their home and such. My older flock, free ranges and would come and go from the run as they would...
  10. Puddingtheamericana

    Why are my chickens (hen and rooster) brawling?

    i was sitting in the coop and suddenly, out of nowhere, for no reason, our 4 month old silkie hen and a silver sebright rooster started fighting. they’d face each other, walk in a circle parallel of eachother for a bit, then attack, and repeat. they stopped for a bit and then started it again...
  11. enemyofmine

    Hens attacking each other

    hello I have a batch of 9 mixed isa browns and rhode island reds, both a little more than 2 years old and all girls. I’ve never had problems with them until yesterday. Yesterday afternoon, six of the nine all started to attack one hen, and i had to pull her out. When I did, she had a large cut...
  12. E

    Is it possible to re-introduce roosters?

    Hi, I basically hatched 5 eggs in November last year and weirdly enough they were all boys. One started fighting another at a young age so I split them into 2 groups. The two groups are great with one another without hens, with only slight squabbling you’d probably see between hens anyway...
  13. J

    Ducks Getting Along

    So about three weeks ago I purchased 3 ducklings (pekin, khaki, and cayuga) The khaki sadly passed on the ride over so we were left with just the two. The khaki was supposed to be my brothers and he was very upset so we decided to get another khaki and since they can’t be shipped alone we had to...
  14. D

    Help needed ! Cannibalism in 2 month old hens

    Hello ! Hoping someone could help me out. I have 45 young hens and possibly some roos hatch date April 8th, that were living inside until yesterday when I moved them to a 10x10 coop( they were getting too big). It was cold last night so I put on the heating lamp. ( white light) my red bulb had...
  15. J

    Motger hens fighting

    Hi,I need your help, I have a mother hen with 3 weeks old chicks, and now I have another mother hens with newborn chicks. I tried to put the tow hens in one room together but they immediately fighted so strongly. What should I do ? I would like them to be exposed to sun in this room ,I don't...
  16. Chxlove

    5 week old chicks fight when they see me

    My 2 olive eggers who are siblings are 5 weeks old, my barred rock (likely a roo) is just under that, and 2 buff Orpingtons are 4 weeks. The olive eggers have always been the biggest due to their age, but now they are significantly bigger than the others. It seems like every time they see me...
  17. C

    Baby chicks fighting.

    About 8 weeks ago I hatched out two chicks. I got up today to let them out of the pin, and then about 5 minutes later both of them puffed up and ran at each other and started pecking each other on the beak.I have never seen this before so I don't know what to think. Can anyone explain to me what...
  18. C

    Adding to the flock but my “dominant duck” keeps fighting with the new ones.

    I have slowly started introducing the new ducks. at first I let the new guys quarantine then showed them to each other so they could see them but not be with them. next I let them outside together and my less dominant duck kept going back and forth with the the new guys and his friend. After...
  19. FrostyWind

    My Rooster is making weird sounds after fighting two Roosters!?

    Hello Good day, I found my rooster in a corner just sitting down weak and making weird sounds? He's been in a fight with a rooster but I had separated them. Sometime early in the morning they probably fought again. My brother said he was fighting 2 roosters this time (the same one he fought...
  20. KoopinItReal

    Holly berries & AGGRESSION

    Hey all- I learned something yesterday & thought I better share in case anyone else encounters this. There is a large holly shrub right next to one of my coops. When I let my chooks out to free-range for a while yesterday I noticed the holly berries were all perfectly ripe so I pulled a branch...
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