
  1. Wild-Turkey

    Five Jakes One Jenny

    So we have a group of six turkeys. Just like the title, five jakes, one jenny. They’re currently fine, but I know this is gonna be a problem later with fighting and overbreeding. They also hang out in the same yard as chickens and ducks, though they were raised separately and usually keep to...
  2. C

    Fighting chickens and bloody combs. Not sure what’s happening!

    Hello all! I’ve got some misbehavior happening causing bloody combs and I’m not sure why or what to do about it. Yesterday my girl Piper (Plymouth Blue Rock) had a bloody comb so I stayed out in the run to see what was happening. I noticed another of my girls, Kia (Leghorn) who typically keeps...
  3. J

    VERY Dominant Hen

    I have a super dominant hen. I have no doubt that if both my roosters died, that this hen Jolene would transform into a rooster to take their place. I raised my flock from chicks- ending up with 12 hens and two roosters. Orpingtons- 3 color variations. Being a new chicken mom, I have found the...
  4. Quacking ducks

    why are my ducks fighting with each other?

    Hi, 2 of my female ducks keep fighting with each other as well as a drake and female and also my 2 drakes. Does anyone know why they are all fighting? what should I do? Thank you
  5. Chickens-are-cool

    Pullets fighting???

    So I have 6 pullets that are almost 6 months old. 2 Easter eggers, 1 jersey giant, 1 golden laced Wyandotte, 1 barred rock, 1 buff Orpington. Only the barred rock lays, and she just started a couple days ago. They are all definitely females, but recently they have been fighting a lot! This has...
  6. TT43

    Ducks eggs, separation

    Do Ducks lay on eggs in the fall? Can I seperate my female duck from my males Ducks, to give her a little break? How do you introduce new ducks to a new flock? I put a female in with 2 males and another female and the males pulled out so many feathers and hurt her. Also, my males ducks are...
  7. B

    Young quails pecking each other

    Hi, recently i noticed that one of my two 3 week old coturnix quails suddenly just started pecking the other quail who is a few days older than it, I let them out of their box for a hour or so to let them roam free but the younger quail chased the other trying to peck it. But sometimes they...
  8. LadyAchee

    Pecking order or confused

    I have noticed that every time this one pullet Dakota EE does the pecking order dance with another pullet my cockerel Red RIR challenges her? Does he not like her? Does he think she's a cockerel too? Picture for attention..
  9. K

    Take your guess!

    So we have had Henry for almost 6 months now! He’s a beautiful boy but an absolute coward. The person we got him from saved him from a flock of fighting roosters, what do you guys think he is?
  10. K

    Help with Chinese geese

    Hello! I am new to the forum and fairly new to geese. I rescued 3 Chinese geese from a waterfowl rescue center in March. I was told they were all female. They are not. I have 2 ganders and one goose. The goose has sat on eggs for the past month and they've begun hatching. One gander, who...
  11. athenasnow

    Fighting or illness?

    Hi, One of my hens has really ratty tail feathers. Don't see anything like it on any of the others. Could this be from getting picked on or something else? She doesn't have any other issues- eats fine and is active. She isn't always the brightest bulb in the flock though. Is she just clumsy or...
  12. Freaky Farm

    Shamo chicks fighting in brooder

    Hi there, I am trying to find out as much information as I can to be prepared if needed. I understand that, even as chicks, shamos can be extremely aggressive even from day one, particularly the young cockerals. Others have said this may happen around 3 weeks, that they start to fight. How...
  13. Mara Lee

    Two chickens suddenly fighting violently out of nowhere...

    Short version: Two of my chickens, a hen and a rooster, who have gotten along just fine for the last 7 months, have just recently started constantly and viciously attacking each other. I don't mean the minor pecks and scuffles, I mean the puffing, jumping, tearing at each other with claws...
  14. DandyAndMahi

    Male Ducks Fighting

    I bought two ducklings from tractor supply 6 months ago and they’re fully grown now. Both of them turned out to be male and i believe that one of them is a Welsh Harlequin and the other is a Khaki Campbell. I just noticed that they’ve been fighting each other and maybe trying to mate with each...
  15. ChickenPerson999999


    I have “4” 12 week old Easter egger chicks. They are sweet as ever. We have gotten 6 more chickens 3 roosters we are going to sell, and “3” 6 month old hens we are gonna keep. However the chicks are terrified of the hens and roosters. What should I do? The hens step on the chicks and the chicks...
  16. ChickenPerson999999

    Fighting Chicks!

    Fighting Chicks! My four Easter egger chicks that are 4-5 weeks old peck at each other and sometimes even fight over bugs such as crickets. Some times they flap their wings and leap at one another. Is this normal or are they fighting and how do I get them to stop fighting?
  17. Buff-Blondie

    Rooster Gone Sour

    Hello. I'm new here. I work on a historic farm that is open to the public and help take care of 30+ chickens (we got some new babies and more on the way). One of the roosters, who my friend named Clux, has recently lost his dominance. Over the summer, he used to have a ton of hens following him...
  18. D

    Combining to 2 groups of ducks - Advice Needed Wild Mallards & Khaki Campbells

    The 2 wild mallard ducklings I raised this summer appear to be hanging around for the long haul. Which is wonderful BUT. I have a duck enclosure that is 20 x 10 with a garden shed off the side for night time housing. Fully fenced, top and sides. I had that enclosure divided roughly in half...
  19. C

    Younger turkeys all attacking old female turkey

    The babies are around 5 months and at first we thought it was the young males trying to establish a pecking order but then noticed they were all going after an old female. Not sure if turkeys try to kill off older turkeys as an evolutionary thing? Thanks for any info!
  20. DuckAunt

    Help my ducks are going to kill each other!!

    Hello (sorry for the long post), I am the aunt (my brother technically is the owner) to three 6-year-old Welsh Harlequins, we got them when they were less than 24 hours old (the picture of them is inserted). Their names in order of left-to-right are Scout (female), Ming-Ming (female) and Daffy...
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