guinea fowl

  1. danielle2003

    How Old Are These Guineas?

    Hello, so I made a post when I got these keets, and had no idea how old they are. Never raised guinea fowl before. I've had these since September 8th, and they looked about a week old maybe when I got them...maybe 2 weeks? Now they've gotten big, and am not sure if their exact age. What do y'all...
  2. A

    11 of my babies were killed

    Yesterday, a group of German Shepherds got into my coop and killed 7 silver lined olive egger pullets and 4 white african guinea fowl that I had been raising up. They just hit 12 weeks and I am devastated. I fixed my fence and fortified it. With that being said, if anyone in Northwest Oklahoma...
  3. akf93

    6 Week Old Guineas Escaping

    My second flock includes 15 chicks and 3 guineas. My plan was to give them outdoor time every day over the next several days and put them back into the brooder each night and then eventually start putting them into the coop at night with the older flock until they are well integrated. I made up...
  4. AngelinaThePekin8

    Guinea fowl broke its talon. Not an emergency

    Should I just leave it be or at least get put it in some warm water for a little bit and make sure its clean? It seems to be bothering her quit a bit as she's limping a little and has been sitting a lot. I think it happened earlier today.
  5. akf93

    Guineas for protection?

    We had our first predator attack yesterday. Three chickens gone. 😭 We are guessing fox. We free range and realize the risk. We don’t have the ability to make a run sufficient in size for our birds. At first, we considered getting a herding dog as a barn dog to help protect. But then someone...
  6. M

    Will she get attacked?

    A predator killed all but 1 of my Guinea fowl flock. She is very lonely & keeps escaping my pen. I know 2 people with Guineas who are willing to add her to their flock but I am worried since she is all by herself that they may attack her & be hard on her. I know with my chickens I have never...
  7. M

    Something attacked my Guinea fowl…

    I had 4 guineas… they were originally in a pen with our 33 chickens, but they kept attacking some of the chickens badly. We made them their own coop/enclosure & let them free range. Only lasted about 3 weeks and something ate 3 out of my 4 guineas. I’ve put the last one in with the chickens...
  8. IMG_5478.jpg


    Our male jumbo lavender guinea fowl, Loney, at 11 months old.
  9. E

    Guinea Fowl Killed During the Day

    Hi! I'm asking this question in a few different places hoping to get some advice! Something has been picking off my guinea fowl one by one. It's always during the day, it's always near the treeline, and it's always In a completely different spot on our property. The places they are getting...
  10. Ellozz

    Hello from middle Georgia! I am almost a new chicken mom…

    Hi everyone! We had chickens and a couple of ducks when I was about nine years old (that was MANY moons ago!). My husband and I are building a chicken tractor with coop, and we will be getting 3 lavender Orpington pullets and one cockerel. For a start, anyway. I am also getting Guinea fowl keets...
  11. Wallarobba Ali

    Chasing Keets

    So I thought I would just catch the 4 weeks old keets and put them out into the chicken coop for the day. Apparently they have learned to fly, darn well! This is one sitting up on the rafter and laughing at me. FYI I eventually coaxed it down and it joined its confusion.
  12. AGeese

    Getting Guineas (Help me Decide)

    So Guinea Fowl are a particular group of fowl that interest me, but of which I know a lot less about. Now I've used some of my chicken insight and gathered various thoughts and opinions online to form ideas on what type, what number, what sex, and in what combinations thereof, am currently...
  13. Ozarkhomesteader

    Tell me about how you breed your guineas!!

    Ok, breeding season is coming up, and I am busy getting all my poultry into breeding groups, setting up nest boxes etc. Looking forward to babies!! This is my first time with Guinea fowl. I have 10, and they are about 10 months old, I got them last April as keets. They free-range on our 24...
  14. L

    Should i get more guinea fowls?

    I got 2 baby guinea fowls and 2 baby chickens about 7 months ago and all turned out to be boys ! Roosters were a little bit older and They raised guinea fowls. They were inseparable! But unfortunately in my neighborhood i cannot keep roosters, so i found a great farm with over 30 female...
  15. L

    Female or male?

    So i got 2 chicks and now they are about 7 months old. When they were younger , like two -3 months ago… i was pretty sure that the white one is male and the dark one was female, but now they are starting to look more alike. So what do you think? Is it also a male dark one?
  16. Moonbeam Guineas

    Growing Up Guinea Fowl

    My 1st hatch.So I am so excited and proud of my birds I want to share their first 6 months.. Growing up Guinea fowl, a documented life in pictures.
  17. Moonbeam Guineas

    Meet Grounder; my one eye guinea

    Here is my Guinea hen, she is amazing and lives mostly in the house. I had to help her hatch out of her egg, she was feet 1st and struggling. She fit in fine as a keet but when I moved them to their coop, things changed. I always noticed she was smaller, slower and would not roost up high. And I...
  18. B

    3 Guinea fowl need new place to scream - near Battle Ground, WA

    I've finally met my noise limit and don't have the heart to send them to freezer camp! Presumed 1 male, 2 females based on crests and behavior. Standard pattern. Yummy hard-shelled eggs. Raised with a 20+ flock of chickens. Great guards, better bug eaters, fun to watch dork around. Free to a...
  19. T

    Guinea pirate

    Hey I’m not sure where I should post this but I just want to share some love on misunderstood fowl… guineas My babies went from want to be lap babies to pirate parrots lol
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