hatching eggs

  1. H

    Crossing a Blue Jersey Giant Roo

    Hello all! So I am going to try to hatch eggs for the first time this year. I have a Blue Jersey Giant roo and 6 hens-red orpington, black laced red wyandotte, EE, and three red stars. I was curious if anyone has mixed these breeds with a BJG roo. Also any tips for incubating eggs for the first...
  2. M

    Looking for buff Silkies, d'uccles, seramas and any hatching eggs in NY (Fulton county and surrounding areas)

    Hey everyone! I am looking to add a few bearded Buff silkies (hens and one rooster), d'uccles (hens, any color but especially mille fleur), and possibly a few serama hens. We are also very much wanting to load up the incubators to add to our large mixed "fun flock" This flock contains our pet...
  3. M

    Need fertilized Blue Australorp eggs

    Looking for a few fertilized Blue Australorp eggs for one of my girls to hatch. I’m in Texas.
  4. S

    Looking for Golden Cascade duck hatching eggs

    Anyone who is or will be selling Golden Cascade hatching eggs? I have a small flock from some of the last ducklings Holderread's sold in 2020 and want to make sure I keep some genetic diversity. And if anyone has Mini Golden Cascade hatching eggs, that would be amazing.
  5. LiizardWiitch

    Hen not sitting on last egg

    Alright chciken fam extreme newbie here I have hatched 6 out of 11 eggs so far... 2 passed in shell 2 passed after hatching. My hen had 2 eggs left today 1 of them clearly had passed having a small crack on the outside of the egg with dark veins in that area that looked broken, no movement...
  6. P

    Overnight Humidity Drop - Chicken Eggs

    I started my first batch of hatching eggs yesterday using the Manna Pro 360 Degree Incubator. I added a Govee Wifi Thermometer Hygrometer inside so I could capture the temperature and RH data overtime. So last night before I went to bed, I made sure the humidity was between 50-55% (as I read it...
  7. F

    Beginner's mistake with mycoplasma, how do I start over?

    Hi everyone! New to backyard chickens and unfortunately just got back the diagnostics saying one of my girls had mycoplasma (I had to cull her since she wasn't doing very well). :( This was my first flock and I've loved having them. But I made several beginner mistakes that I wish I had known...
  8. MamaBirds_Quail

    Are some of these eggs Celadon?

    Aka: how blue does a blue egg need to be before its Celadon?! 😅 I bought these off EBay, from a woman who keeps I believe it was around 100 birds, mostly Pearls (though it says she has some pharaoh, Italian, and pansy fee)… I didn’t pay Celadon prices, nor were blue eggs mentioned anywhere but...
  9. Duck-a-Dee

    Dutch Hookbill Ducks

    I am downsizing my flock. I have decided to sell 2 white females and 2 dusky males. 1 of the females came directly from Holderread Waterfowl Farm, the rest are her offspring that hatched the end of May this year. They have straight to moderate curved bills. I'm located in Logsden, Oregon. Pick...
  10. Radrussie

    Nesting box / hygiene / eggs not hatching

    Hi everyone, So... I have a chicken that is sitting on some eggs. it is day 21 today from when I first noticed her sitting. During this period about 3 eggs broke. I cleaned the nesting box out as best I could without washing the eggs. However some of the eggs are a little dirty bit of egg my...
  11. H

    Only 3 poults out of 9 eggs :(

    Okay, so we bought some turkey eggs (red bourbon) from someone local and we're at the hatch date now. We started with nine eggs, freshly collected, but it looks like only two will hatch. I had to throw several out over the last few weeks as I found them not developing. Is this kind of hatch rate...
  12. T

    looking for pigeon eggs!

    I've raised pigeons from hatchlings before and have been wanting to hatch out two or three more to keep as pets. but I have looked everywhere and cannot find anywhere i can get fertile eggs. i have everything ready (incubator, feeding stuff, heat) except the actual eggs themselves. i live in...
  13. F

    Frizzle, silkie, polish, bantam and standard size hatching eggs- Central Florida

    NPIP certified $8 for 14 $5 for 8 All birds are free ranged in the same area. The following birds are bantams: Silkies (2 males 6 females) frizzle crossbreeds (they get the frizzling from a Cochin)(2 males and 3 females) Nankin mixes (1 male 1 female) Cornishes (1 male 1 female) Phoenix (1...
  14. loyalcrowlist

    BYM hatching egg mix guessing game

    So I was given a dozen eggs from someone here locally and I didn't get a chance to ask her what was what so I thought I'd do a little guessing game since today is day nine, all the eggs I could see look good, and I'm impatient! This is my first time incubating so I'm definitely getting the...
  15. lavendermarie

    Day 15, nothing in this egg, right?

    Hey! I have an egg (incubation day 15) that I’m pretty sure isn’t developing but I don’t want to get rid of it if it is and I’m just not seeing it right! What do you guys think? It’s a dud, right?
  16. M


    We’ve been raising chickens for two years now and decided to hatch our own. It’s been so successful. We are at two dozen now with fifteen waiting to hatch. I made an incubator and hatched one and lost one. I have four eggs left in it. We’ve only lost four chickens. One I had to put down...
  17. Asteen89

    Shipped eggs, severely detached air cells, first time incubation, SUCCESSFUL HATCH!!!!

    So to start off this was my first time incubating eggs, I’ve had broodys this year and normally I let them hatch. But I wanted chicks that were more unique breeds you don’t find at the feed store and my last set of shipped eggs (Red blue laced wyandottes) I had under my broody, she abandoned...
  18. lavendermarie

    My broody hen took another egg!

    I have a broody golden sebright x light brahma bantam cross. She’s a tiny little hen and she’s been laying on 5 eggs for about four days. But today, someone layed an egg in her nesting box and she took it. And since I had an egg I really wanted to hatch and she had already taken the one from...
  19. EnnieM

    American Bresse?

    Hey guys. So I recently got some American Bresse from a quality breeder (not a hatchery). My plan was originally to raise & butcher. But it got me thinking… Are they nearly as “desirable” as the French Bresse? Is there any money in selling hatching eggs or chicks compared to standard breeds in...
  20. Jester57

    Replacing fake eggs with hatching eggs

    Never having done this before, I thought it best to ask before I actually do it. I've got a broody hen who I've had sitting on fake eggs because she decided to go broody in the coop right in front of the egg boxes, and she kept swiping eggs the other chickens laid to brood over. Right now, she...
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