
  1. A

    Weird brown stuff on chick’s nails

    My 4 day old male chick is seemingly very healthy but has weird brown spots at the ends of each of his toes. He bites his toes a lot so he may be in pain. I will attach a picture of what I am talking about. Could this be bumble foot? I have never seen that look like this before. I do not think...
  2. A

    Raising a Runt

    Hi everyone! I haven’t been on here in a while but I have since given my pekins to a farm and fostered 4 of his ducks and nursed them back to health for him. Now he has given me 2 baby chicks that he hatched 4 days ago. The reason I’m fostering them is so that the runt has a better chance of...
  3. the3quail

    Quail flew away :(

    Hello, My quail flew away. I live in a neighborhood.. She flew into some house, and I have no clue which.. Any help?
  4. A


    My young booted bantam has redness on his legs I don't think it's bumble foot. Picture will be added PLEASE HELP
  5. T

    My Chicks all Died

    I have a very strange and interesting problem that may be hard for y'all country folk to understand. I live in Manhattan new york in a small apartment and I decided to raise quails as pets!?!? I have provided them with a reasonable 6ft by 2ft Brooder. their water supply is always accessible...
  6. LondonKallie

    Twin ducklings in 1 Egg - What should I expect?

    Does anyone have any experience on hatching twins? My duck laid a twin egg that has already passed it’s estimated survival milestone and they are due to hatch in a week and a half. I know that hatching with twins in the egg is extremely dangerous. One is currently positioned on the big side of...
  7. J


    My duck is a male named munch who recently became missing this morning There were feathers on top of the coop but I couldn’t tell if they were munches or one of my chickens because they both have the same looking feathers, there where no escapes but only top is side is open, munch is too small...
  8. M

    Help!! Chicken attacked by neighbors dog!!

    One of our light brahma chicks got attacked today by a neighbor's dog. There is proof of the dog, as I saw him in my neighbors yard earlier and there are paw prints under a tree, that look like he was running. The hens name is Rose, and she is around 14 weeks old. She is the biggest out of our...
  9. Raysal

    Miniature Hen Can't Find Breed

    I have a miniature hen and i can't find out what breed she is i need help I've done reserch but cant find the same one online anyone know what breed she is I've seem similar ones but not the same one. Anyone also knows what breed is that miniature rooster I've seen similar ones like a bantam but...
  10. RanditheDuckMother

    day 30 and ducks still didn’t hatch!

    Hi, i’m a first time hatcher. I’ve recently started incubating duck eggs and only one hatched in day 28. I have 5 eggs in all. Another one looks like the hard shell chipped off already but the thin part wasn’t broken through. Should I help it?
  11. Eggs by Happy Chickens

    Girls won’t lay in the nest boxes??? Here’s how to help them

    So I assume if you are visiting this article you may be wanting to stop your girls from laying eggs all through your yard or just laying them in the coop floor, right? Okay so here is the first question I have for you are your girls free ranging and laying their eggs all around your yard? If...
  12. RanditheDuckMother

    Can I use tap water and hose water for my ducks?

    I have some ducks hatching soon and I would like to know if I can use tap and hose water for my ducks. While they’re small I would like to let them swim in the bath tub/sink. When they get older the plan is to get them a kiddie pool and fill it up with water. This is my first time hatching...
  13. sunnyflockraiser

    Diatomaceous Earth Benefits???

    Hey! Thanks for swinging by! :celebrate So today I just bought a 40 lb bag of food grade diatomaceous earth for my chickens. I recently just had a mite infestation, so I am using it to prevent them from coming back. I also was wondering is it okay to add into their food? I heard that it can...
  14. Eggs by Happy Chickens

    How to tell if my hen is laying eggs?!

    Hello everyone! 👋🏼 I have a Savart Honas hen and she has laid a few eggs, however, I am not sure if she is still laying eggs. I have not seen her laying in the nesting boxes and I have not gotten any eggs that would be the kind her breed lays. I know that she is laying age not to old not to...
  15. B

    Help! Swollen eye, Please tell me she isn’t sick

    I haven’t seen any sicknesses or heard any wheezing. None of my other birds seem to have symptoms so far. There were fires in the area and lots of smoke over the last few days. Does this look like a respiratory infection or maybe a pecked eyeball? It’s swollen with little bubbles
  16. U

    First time broody

    Can anyone give me any insight on candling? I have researched it and I feel like only the middle egg is where it is meant to be but I don't want to make a mistake. These are taken on day 14/15 all eggs were placed at the same time. The first egg is a blue shell and its harder to see into, the...
  17. B

    Is this normal chicken poo??

    Chick is a day old. He’s the runt of the group and I just want to make sure he’s healthy.
  18. Dawng97


    so I had a bunch of bantom and golden comets.... 10 total. 1 tur Ed out to be a rooster, a bantom he is beautiful. He has always been so friendly until recently. One night something got into their run and coop and ate 7 of them. There was nothing left of any of them. 1 comet and the rooster and...
  19. Legosi

    My chickens beak wont close!

    My chicks beak won't close all the way it's not slanted at all but it just won't close. I need to know how to fix this and what it is!
  20. Legosi

    I dont want her to die! HELP!

    My female chick has trouble pooping.... So what she does is slightly lifts her wings up and pushes. It does come out but when she poops she squacks really loud. And sometimes it takes 1min for her to fully get it out. Her poop looks completely normal I think. And I'm not sure if it's pasty but...
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