
  1. B

    Rooster Not Walking

    Hi everyone, so I have a Rhode Island Red Rooster that is 9 years. I know lifespan is around 8yrs but hes well tended. My chickens are in a large area that has straw on the ground, they are fed scratch grain and fresh water daily. My rooster has been laying one wing to the ground and going...
  2. I

    Chick is sick, listlessness and liquid stool

    I'm sorry if I'm not following the proper protocols of this website but here's the history. I bought 3 chicks 2.5 weeks ago. First one of them got sick, similar symptoms, diarrhea and listlessness. Stopped eating. Then the other one got sick. Also had diarrhea and listlessness. Now this one is...
  3. J

    Don't think this is an emergency situation, if it is, please let me know

    Hello, BYC. I would appreciate some help. I have 3 chickens and 1 of them is hurt. Background: * Leghorn-Cross from reputable hatchery (meant to be smaller with less genetic dispositions). *13 weeks old, mailed in healthy, brooded indoors and went outdoors at 8 weeks. *healthy up until now...
  4. S

    Please Help! A large growth under chicken's vent!

    Hello everyone, Big Fluff and I are in need of some assistance, she, my most favorite chicken, has a baseball sized growth under her vent (not on her breast/ belly)... it is red, with some gross looking scabs, feels warm to the touch, & has lost most of the feathers on it. It is a bit squishy...
  5. Moricha

    Chicken possibly injured, breathing heavily. Injury or possible gape worm? Please help, any ideas welcome.

    Hello all, One of my girls has either gotten injured or come down with something- or both. EDIT: Video link of panting: Penny is (I believe) a 3 month old hen and her breed is… to be honest, I’m not sure. I was only told she is an olive egger and I have had for for a month now. She is not...
  6. W

    Help! What is this???

    Hello. I’ve never seen this before. Do you know what is going on? He has no energy at all. Thanks!
  7. C

    Hen can't keep her balance and her legs are stretching behind her

    I have some young bantam chickens that I've been raising for a few months now. I've been on vacation the last couple of weeks and returned yesterday - my neighbors who used to have chickens were caring for them while I was away. I went to put my birds up for the night last night and one hen was...
  8. C

    Found Injured Hen on Side of Road in Ditch, treating wound but now maybe wheezing? Does she need antibiotics?

    Hey all, I found a chicken on the side of the road in a ditch while I was walking my weiner dog. We both thought she was a dead animal but she was still alive. So i ran back to my house and got my car and grabbed her. The first day I gave her a bath and didn’t see anything but a small puncture...
  9. abby_robinson

    Disease, illness, or just really calm?

    Hello all, I’m overwhelmingly confused by this new pullet I recently picked up. She’s a beautiful 8 week old Easter egger in a group of 5. All seem perfectly healthy except her. She is consistently on the verge of sleep, even when eating and drinking. Any illness I look up she doesn’t match up...
  10. qwigoqwaga

    Chicken wheezing and sneezing but otherwise fine

    One of our chickens has been sneezing for a while now it seems and a couple weeks ago I noticed she was wheezing when she breathes; it’s sounds raspy like when you have a chest cold. I took a video today and she sounds worse than usual: However, she's otherwise acting totally normal, she's not...
  11. K

    Amoxicillin dose

    We have a lethargic young hen (not laying but may have layed 2-4 soft eggs so far). We checked crop, vent, tried to feel stomach. Nothing feels super off except she’s so small compared to the rest. We think she may have a bacterial infection- so sleepy, falling asleep standing up, wouldn’t get...
  12. Squeeing_Onion

    Quail and Parrots?

    I've heard it referenced before that people have kept quail in the bottoms of aviaries that house various species of parrots. My question is, how do you keep the birds safe bacteria wise? Do you need to introduce them as chicks? Do they share lethal disease like I've heard chickens and quail...
  13. Patiocoturnix

    Unknown wound/illness on quail. Need help.

    I have a quail who was limping the other day so we separated her and let her rest 3-5 days later she was fine. We slowly introduced her back into the flock so there was no bullying of any sort and they did fine. Today she was limping again so we looked her over and she has an indent in her leg...
  14. thronesandroses

    I believe our baby chick has coccidiosis 😔 any tips on how to treat other than Amprolium (we are using), and chance of survival?

    Lethargic, no really wanting to eat, eyes closed and heavy breathing. Just started today but in hindsight it is not progressing like the other chicks. It is exactly 2 weeks old.
  15. A

    Did I do the right thing?

    I just culled a baby chick for the first time and am feeling very sad about it. We had a baby with a difficult hatch. It was our last hatching egg at 25 days. It took a long time after pip to start any progress (a little more than 24 hours) and was moved in the incubator because we were worried...
  16. That crazy duck lady

    Need advice, duck with eye infection and other with odd behavior. Please help!

    Hi everyone, i apologize for a lengthy post. Please bear with me, I could really use some support! There will be a recap at the end to provide a quick summary but I think the details are important. I have two 8 month old duck hens. Both silver appleyard sisters. One got foamy eye about a month...
  17. B

    What is this poop indicating?

    Hello - have two geese that are always together, so not sure which one is doing this. Guessing is the male, who was recently in 7-day regimen of antibiotics for respiratory infection. However, it might be the female who is laying eggs and maybe having a repro issue? Anyway, is a watery dark...
  18. minamisfit

    Lethargic Rooster

    Started noticing him yesterday just standing there, he's got a bit of foam on his beak. Any suggestions on what it could be? All other chickens are fine and those are his only symptoms.
  19. L

    Possible bumblefoot

    I recently posted about a chicken that was limping . I think it’s bumblefoot or some kind of infection , it has seemed to form a scab that I took off as much as I could . I’m scared to really cut into it but it doesn’t ooze pus. It does bleed really well though . I have been doing Epsom soaks...
  20. L

    Possible bumble foot

    I have a rooster that has started limping , he seems to have a bubble with possibly yellow pus underneath, I’m thinking it’s bumble foot and want to treat it . It’s in a toe not the foot pad . I’ve heard soaking in epsom salt helps and possibly wrapping the foot . What do you guys think ? This...
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