
  1. Artchickenlover21

    Super lethargic, weird poop

    A few days ago I noticed my buff orpington was acting a little slower than usual. She has been getting worse and it looks like she's having weird bathroom troubles. She strains a lot and only a little comes out and it looks "snaky". I don't believe she is eggbound unless the egg might have...
  2. DanAndQuails

    Treat or Euthanize? — Turkey In Bad Shape

    Hi everyone! I wish I was coming with better news. My broad breasted white turkey, Evelyn, is not doing well at all. Earlier yesterday she was doing fine going after food. Last night she had one swollen eye. This morning both eyes nearly sealed shut and was really acting sick. Not eating or able...
  3. BrushCreekFarm

    Adult male Guinea with swollen head, no eye or nasal discharge, occasional sneezing. What could it be?

    I have an adult maybe 4 year old guinea with a swollen head/sinuses. All around his eyes. It started about a month and a half ago. I had him on metronidazole for 2 weeks at the onset, and it seemed to get better but it quickly (like 2 days) came back after stopping the medication. I put him...
  4. Emrosenagel

    Hen walking strangely -- possible leg injury?

    Hello, Earlier this month I had a very sick hen (3 1/2 year old Rhode Island Red). I spent a week giving her antibiotics and feeding her recovery food and yogurt with a syringe. She recovered beautifully at the beginning of last week and appeared to return to her normal, active self. She was...
  5. S

    Goose throwing up????!!!!!

    Hey all, something really weird just happened with my goose Ryan, he's about a yr and a half old Canada goose. I was just making him his dinner, duck feed, a little cracked corn and oats and I topped it off with some meal worms. He gets that for dinner pretty much every day. I set it down and...
  6. V

    Is this scaly leg mites? I’m new 😬

    Hi everyone - new chicken keeper here. Our gals are 8 months old and coming into their first winter up here in Canada. When I was out changing the water this morning, I noticed our CCL legs look a bit thicker than the other hens. They were always thicker but this seems even more thicker than...
  7. K

    What's wrong with my Lacey Lady?

    Hi, I am new to chickens. I have a hen that isn't behaving normally. She is waddling - keeping her back end low. I have soaked her a few times and given her calcium. Her poop is loose and watery. She isn't eating or drinking much. I have been keeping her isolated. She has been like this...
  8. wellnessandhens

    What kind of illness produces this poop? Diarrhea and green sploots, sometimes looks watery and white.

    Hello! My sweet hen Juniper has recently started having super watery poos and diarrhea like this (her whole butt is a mess) I've looked online but haven't been able to pinpoint what is going on here... She's eating and drinking, moving around, she stopped laying recently because temps are...
  9. Countryhippie

    What is happening? Is she Molting?

    Hi everyone. I have four hens. They were born August 5th 2021. So they are just over a year and a month or so old. they have never gone through a molt before and I have never experienced a molt so I dont really know what I am looking for. The Road Island Red hen pictured is just losing all of...
  10. J

    Video and pics. Help me diagnose 10 week old respiratory illness?

    Hi everyone. I have an 11ish week old Australorp chick (or is it pullet now?) that has been sick for a couple weeks, and I’d appreciate some help in maybe figuring out what’s going on, and how I can best help her. These are my first chickens, so I’d appreciate the input of others more...
  11. Emrosenagel

    Hen is having a hard time eating

    Hello, I have a hen that has been through ALOT in the past half year. She’s had worms, been rejected from her flock, and then attacked by a fox. Now she has a bacterial infection. She had stopped eating last week, so I took her to the vet. They gave me meds and told me to tube feed her. I did...
  12. R

    Bloated duck?

    Hi! Recently my 3 years old Khaki Campbell duck looked a bit bloated or fat. I first thought she was fat, so I took away her treats and only left her normal meal (Usually a mix of corn and a pro-vita feed). I read some threads here about water belly, but hers doesn't feel squishy or watery, nor...
  13. C

    Guineas soaked in the rain

    I am new to owning guineas and have a mixed flock with them and chickens. They have been doing great, and are about 2 months old and have been in their coop and outdoor run area for 2 weeks. I live in Iowa, USA. It had been very dry, so the guineas had been sleeping by roosting on the roof of...
  14. faithsmithers

    Small and Sickly Hen

    Hi there, I am a new chicken owner. I purchased my 3 hens at 12 weeks and they are now a little over 6 months. 2 of the 3 (a welsummer and wyandotte) are big, chatty, active, have full combs, and have been laying for a couple weeks, but my third (a cuckoo maran) is significantly smaller...
  15. SubourbonChicken

    Dosage Help!!!

    I am raising two squabs, one of which is not prospering as well as it's sibling. Started with crop slow down then moved into breathing issues. Visited a vet who prescribed something for possible candida and respiratory infection (Tribressen and Nystatin). Recently ordered a four in one for...
  16. S

    Just lost another chicken, no idea on the illness

    Hey everyone. I just lost another chicken to a mystery illness. Symptoms: Lethargy, pus in eyes, not wanting food or water This is the second chicken I have lost to whatever this is, and I need some help. Her face wasn't swollen, no raspy breathing or coughing. The only thing I can think of...
  17. jschmi

    Sneezing and diarrhea in 11-week-old chickens. Respiratory Infection?

    Hello! I am looking for some suggestions on what to do. I am new to taking care of chickens and I have been noticing my chickens sneezing numerous times and I have also noticed what appears to be diarrhea in the coop. The diarrhea is a dark brown (almost black) liquid and has a foul odor. I...
  18. C

    Pet duck with 2 large dark coloured lumps on bum.

    One of our female pet ducks has been strange for the last 2 days and not really eating. I checked her over today and she has 2 dark golf ball sized lumps on her rear. One almost looks like it has a duckling face. When I tried to wash her and sanatise the area she was clearly in pain. I've...
  19. Fallenone05

    Respiratory Illness

    Hi guys! My chickens have come down with an illness. It started off with my Leghorn hen. It was 110F before the heat index and she was panting, sounded kind of gurgley. I didn't think too much of it because it's hot, even with a mister and a breeze. She started sneezing last week and doing this...
  20. Lilybljm

    Stressful poop

    One of my girls is pooping a very vivid green color. It’s one of three ducks (the only ones staying indoors as the males are especially aggressive toward them this time of year. They are occasionally visited by one male. Other than that, no one goes into the closed in area of the coop and they...
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