nesting box

  1. T

    Dead chicks in the shell, but out of the nesting box

    My five-year old Marans has been persistently broody for almost two months and I kept removing the eggs, but we went on vacation three weeks ago, and came home to find her sitting on six eggs. I left them for her, figuring at her age, this might be her last hurrah. The other day, I found an...
  2. Awaiting breakfast :)

    Awaiting breakfast :)

    My girlfriend painted this little plaque on barn wood to embellish our chicken coop nesting area
  3. Nesting  Boxes Inside

    Nesting Boxes Inside

  4. Vanessa Elle

    Nesting boxes

    As a first time chick mom I am learning as I go but I'm a little stumped with how I should try to introduce or encourage the chicks to start getting used to their nesting boxes. They have been in their big coop for a month and they just haven't been interested in the nesting boxes. They are just...
  5. Whimsical chicken coop

    Whimsical chicken coop

    Here is our little chicken coop with recycled materials I transformed our horse stall into a shower so I can clean it easier and then into a chicken coop ... An old wicker drawer set serves as nesting boxes and a senior prom dress as curtains lol... we have two rescued hens and 4 baby Cochins
  6. L

    Nesting box timeline

    We built a coop and chickens won’t be laying till July. Should we add nesting boxes now or wait till we get closer to when they start laying eggs?
  7. MamaGer8ty

    The Hen House: What are they thinking?!?!

    Sooo I have a total of twenty chickens now and my first original ten are six weeks today. All of the twenty are outside enjoying the coop and run together. So far, everything is good, they all know their place and get along. Our coop is pretty big and my lovely original ten think they still need...
  8. chicksonline

    weird rooster behaviour

    my nearly year old rooster has now started to sit in my girls next boxes and male this weird purring sound anyone know what he’s doing? nothing wrong with him i’m just curious i’ll gonna a way to attach the video
  9. H

    Nesting box bedding and box construction

    We bought a house with an existing coop a few years ago and finally fixed it up. We just got chicks and I’m starting to think ahead for the nesting area. The existing nesting boxes are completely open on the front. Would it be wise to maybe put a 1x4 across the bottom to help contain the nest...
  10. Rogerson253

    Nesting box size

    In the process of finishing my first chicken roost and nesting box and was curious if I made the nesting boxes too small. They are approximately 10 to 11 inches wide and 11 to 12 inches deep.
  11. Clementine nesting ❤️

    Clementine nesting ❤️

  12. chickenbritt5908

    Nesting boxes - broody hens - dumb question?

    It just occurred to me that I have a couple different girls that are likely to become broody. They’re still pullets until Summer but my question is about my nesting boxes - just in case one or two do happen to wanna be mamas. I have 12 boxes that are stacked and off the ground. If someone were...
  13. 5FA17A9D-5C4B-46C9-86F6-CA75D2223273


  14. M

    New layers, confused on where to lay?

    Hi all! So i have a mixed flock of 8 chickens and 4 ducks. Everyone just started laying and a lot of them are doing so good laying in the nesting boxes. I have two that will not which is odd. They all share a coop and backyard. One (I think my sapphire gem) likes to lay on the floor but only...
  15. spiritpots

    Chickens kicking out straw of nesting boxes

    I hope someone can give me some insight into why my chickens keep removing the straw from their nesting boxes, which they have been doing for the last couple of weeks. I have three 18 month old chickens who are currently not laying (they just finished molting and we only have 9-1/2 hours of...
  16. K

    Can an old coop become a nest box?

    I adopted two buff orpington chicks from someone who was about to get rid of them, and couldn't bear that thought, but had (and have) no idea how to raise them. They were probably about three or four weeks old at the time. I would guess they are about 24 weeks old now. Anyway, when I first got...
  17. ChickenPerson999999

    How do I make a chicken coop?

    How do I make a chicken coop? Does anyone have any ideas how to make a simple or cheap chicken coop? I’m looking for cheap or homemade chicken coop ideas. I have 4 chickens currently I’m planning to get more in the future so if anyone has nice ideas please let me know. Thanks for reading.
  18. sunraysia

    Hens sleeping in nesting boxes

    Hi all, I have 2 hens who have started laying and a younger chicken who I think is about to start laying (they're all around 22-24 weeks). About a week or two ago I started to notice poop in their nesting boxes, and this morning I found their eggs with a bit of poop on them (Yikes!). Today I...
  19. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Help! Chickens Eating Eggs!

    4 out of 7 of our pullets have started laying. 3 of the 4 have learned to use the nesting boxes, no problem. They each lay brown eggs, which are always left in the nesting boxes, untouched. The 4th pullet, our EE "Darla," seems confused about laying in the boxes and leaves her white eggs in the...
  20. G

    Sand in coop

    So purchased contractors sand and have been using it in the coop for 4 no the now this was the sand that was recommended by so many even threw these feeds but my chickens seem to kick up so much dust in there at night when they are all trying to get situated and when I rake out the sand it gets...
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