nesting box

  1. Paula321

    Boycott! My Easter Eggers Refused The New Nesting Box!! My hens seem to hate change.

    My EE little ladies have not laid an egg for three weeks since I replaced their rotting nesting box. The rest of the flock is taking it well but my six EEs were very upset over the box change. I miss my four blue eggs per day. My other hens are RRs, Barred Rocks and Buff Orpingtons and they do...
  2. P

    Can anyone identify what this is? Found in nesting box.

    Hey, Can anyone figure out what these are? I found them in a nesting box and can't figure out what they are? I'm unsure as to whether its an improperly formed egg or something else entirely. Any help is appreciated :)
  3. jBabychickn

    Nesting Bowls?

    Hi friends!! 🐥 I’ve seen pics online somewhere of nesting materials woven into bowls; they look like plain, brown Easter baskets without the handles… Anyone know where to purchase these or something similar? All I found are these disposable cardboard platforms that are concave in shape, but...
  4. spiritpots

    Pullets laying outside of the coop - what to do?

    I hope someone can help me as I have not had this problem before! I have four pullets and a couple have just begun to lay over the past three days. Although they have been checking out the nesting boxes in the coop, they have started laying their first eggs outside in a corner by a tall wooden...
  5. K

    Hen lays first egg in wrong place

    Hi! One of my hens (my first flock) laid her first egg yesterday- yay! But she did it in the back of the feed storage room in our barn instead of the nesting box. I saw her going there again this morning and picked her up and locked her in the coop. Now it’s hours later and she still hasn’t...
  6. Mycrazypets

    When should I Put Straw in my Nest Boxes if my chickens are not of age to lay yet?

    Hi there! My chicks are 9 weeks old and are getting moved into the coop finally this week. I was wondering when I should setup my nesting boxes and put straw in them or if it’s possible to do it too early. Also thoughts on best thing to put in nesting boxes?
  7. Baumbergerflock

    Rollaway Nesting Box, Please Help!

    Hello all! First time chicken mom here, still learning everyday. My girls are going on 4 months old and I know they will be gearing up to lay soon, so I am working on the nest boxes this week. We inherited a chicken coop, that has a 2 layered, big metal communal rollaway nesting box mounted on...
  8. TheMrsChick

    Nesting box question

    Our original nesting box (on the right in the picture attached) was a DIY project. Free, easy and still used daily by our original 3 OG's. Since then, we've added a dozen or so more to the flock and got a bigger nesting box system thing (on the left in the picture) for everyone to use. The new...
  9. spiritpots

    Mites... pre-spray new nesting box?

    I've been dealing with mites on and off for a couple of months now it had been going fairly well until a few days ago when I saw mites on some of the eggs again. After checking the girls I found that all of them had some mites around their vents and I found mites in the nesting boxes when I...
  10. HeathenHavenHomestead

    Nesting Box Size

    Hello all, I have been searching and searching and I haven’t found quite the right answer for what I’m looking for. I’m wanting to know what size of nesting boxes I need for my hands since I have four different breeds of chickens. I have California tan, Rhode Island red, Sapphire Gem, and...
  11. Nesting box pads

    Nesting box pads

    i’m not a chicken expert, but i’ve had chickens for about 9.5 yrs and i figured i would share my experience on what has worked for me. i haven’t seen or read about anyone else doing this (not saying nobody has, i just haven’t seen it) so i wanted to share. i got tired of our girls pushing the...
  12. J

    Inside coop setup

    We are working on our coop this weekend and still trying to decide how to setup the inside. Our coop is 4x6. I would love to see some pictures of inside a similar size coop!! Thank you!
  13. They like the right nesting box

    They like the right nesting box

    My hens really like the right nesting box.
  14. ChiknforME

    7 of 25 Laying

    I have gathered 25 laying hens over the past couple of months. 9 were younger pullets and the rest were laying prior to me acquiring them. I am getting 5-7 eggs a day. Is this normal? They have access to oyster shell and get layer crumbles.
  15. G

    Hens emptying nesting box material

    Hi, I'm new here and this is my first post, so if this is discussed somewhere else please let me know! I have five girls. Their coop has two nesting boxes, and I've never had problems until recently. In the last couple weeks, my girls have started kicking whatever material I put in their nest...
  16. tarnte

    Odd behavior - Hen pushing other hen’s egg out of nesting box

    Hello, recently we noticed we got eggs being pushed out of the nesting box. Then we checked our coop camera and saw this odd behavior on one of our hens. She’s a SLW about 1.5 years old. She would push another chicken egg out of the nesting box before she used it. She’s the lowest in the pecking...
  17. smoknz28

    Protecting New Build From Droppings/Urine/Parasites

    Chicken coop and nesting boxes. Protecting from the weather elements and bird droppings/urine/parasites? My coop wood is pressure treated and I'm awaiting for the wood to dry out before I either stain or paint it. With regards to this, I'd like to know what those of you who have been there...
  18. Pentatonchix

    When to Open Nesting Boxes? (also, what type of fake egg)

    Hey Everyone,:frow I have five chicks who just turned 16 weeks old yesterday. In our coop, we have blocked off the nesting boxes (so the chickies don't go in and sleep or poop). When should we unblock them and fill them with shavings? Also, what should we put inside so the chicks know where to...
  19. Malfean

    When to prepare the nests for egglaying

    In my coop, the roost sits opposite of where the nests will be. Currently, I have 6 milk crates and have placed them on a nice shelving unit that the girls can access. To make sure they don't roost in the nesting boxes, I currently have them turned over so they're just sitting there like a...
  20. Ashb0429

    IKEA Nesting Boxes

    That’s right. IKEA makes nesting boxes. Ok, not really. However they DO make a very popular piece of furniture that doubles quite nicely as a nesting box. This started as shoe storage for me, later became a TV stand and now has found its final home as a nesting box. I’m pretty happy with it...
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