no eggs

  1. chickenbritt5908

    Bantam Barred Rock - lethargic, no egg, pale face

    My little Barred Rock, Betty, was acting strange Sunday afternoon. She was walking but a little wobbly and I noticed her neck tucked down, she was a little puffed up, and her comb, wattles, & face were very pale. So I brought her inside and put her in a pet carrier with food and water which she...
  2. R

    Angry Chicken, no eggs, hoarse voice

    Hi there - Our easter egger, Pearl, is a bit off of her normal these days. She is about 14 months old, had been regularly laying light green eggs. We brought 4 new chicks into the flock. They were separated from our 2 older hens but Pearl knows about them because she can see them across the...
  3. Cassiert

    California Whites Not Laying

    I have 3 California White chickens that I bought as chicks last year on May 14th. (I initially bought 4 and lost one in the late fall after a long battle with a prolapsed vent.) It is now almost year later and I still have no white eggs. I chalked lack of laying last year up to the fact that...
  4. P

    Ducks still not laying after 2.5 months

    Hi there, I have three younger ducks from 1-2 years old that I purchased from some farmers in the area. However, it has been 2.5 months now that I have had them and there hasnt been a single egg. I expected it to take at least a couple weeks for them to get acclamated to their new home but it...
  5. no eggs?

    no eggs?

    I have 4 chickens that were just recovering from mites, we had been giving them light at night and morning. and we stopped when we found out they had mites so they could focus on that. they recovered from that and 2 weeks ago I gave them more light, there getting enough but we aint getting any eggs.
  6. KristaBrown

    Sick Chickens

    Hi everyone, I have had chickens for 2 years now and I am experiencing sickness in my flock for the first time and it’s bad. Very Bad! I tried quarantining sick birds but it ran through the flock too quickly. And have now lost some :(. I need your advise please. I have 24 chickens, heritage...
  7. chickenchicklady

    Not laying eggs

    Hello friends. I have a problem. My chickens are not laying eggs. I get about one egg every other day out of 20 hens. I have been giving them oyster shells, grit, protein in the form of meal worms. They have a clean coop, they have clean water, they are getting plenty of nutrients. None of them...
  8. casaverde

    Chickens not laying! Started laying after winter/molt and now nothing!

    Hi! New to Backyard Chickens but excited to be here! I have nine backyard chickens that range from 18-20 months, all have started laying but slowed during the winter/molting stage. They started back up and we were getting eggs consistently for the past two weeks, a few days ago it all stopped...
  9. B

    Ancona Chicken 31 wks old, has never laid but broods and sings

    Hello! My Ancona girl, Tiny, has never laid. She’s 31 weeks old and all of her sisters lay. She gets in the box almost daily, lays there for anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour, then sings the egg laying song. We live in the PNW so days are short, rainy, and fairly dark. Is she not laying...
  10. H

    No Eggs+2 New Girls--Is This Normal?

    Hi Everyone! Hope you're all doing well. Our tiny flock (5 at the time) mostly stopped laying around Halloween. We had one hen who was still laying well, but everyone else pretty much stopped. We had a bit of a "perfect storm" of factors, so I wasn't surprised: 1. No supplemental lighting. We...
  11. H

    8 month old EE not laying/aggressive

    I have two EE who are 8 months old. Neither are laying and they are my most aggressive two. The lighter one will act like she's going to attach me when I pick up the other ladies. The brown one will go after our Jersey Giant and peck grab her feathers on the back of her neck and both run and...
  12. T

    Egg Production is Down

    Earlier this year, I introduced 4 new chicks to my flock bringing the total to 10. One of the chicks escaped the first week. Once they were old enough I incorporated them all together in the same run. I almost immediately saw the number of eggs drop from 5-6 a day to 4 consistently. Then one of...
  13. HollyJB

    Do these girls look healthy - 8 months old and still no eggs.

    Hi everyone. I've been wondering about my 3 pekin bantam girls for some time. I got them as day old chicks at the end of March, so they are now 8 months old. When googling around, it seems you can expect pekins to start laying between 6 and 8 months of age. They're obviously now at the later end...
  14. AlbertVinny

    Chickens not laying???

    Hi guys, I have 9 chickens (2 born spring 2019, 7 born spring 2020). One is molting so I understand her not laying eggs, but They only average 1-3 eggs a day! I am completely lost on why. They all look and act heathy and energetic, have access to oyster shell rocks, free range 6 acres, their...
  15. A

    All hens completely stopped laying for months now

    We have 4 hens 3 Are just a year old and one is 5/6 years old. The oldest hen had stopped laying due to her old age and is enjoying rest of her free-range life. However the young ones were laying just fine. Until the last few months. We have mited and wormed them but nothing has improved. They...
  16. M

    Started laying, now NO EGGS!

    Two of our chickens began to lay eggs for the first time this spring. They were free ranging and laying consistently. Over the last few days 0 eggs! Today we kept them in their coop all day, still no eggs!! Is this normal to go three to four days without eggs?
  17. newb1rdmom

    Aggressive Rooster?

    So, my grandmother has 5 hens and 1 rooster. The rooster has never been aggressive or anything but these past couple of months I’ve noticed him attacking one of the hens. I’ve seen her feathers all over the place and at first we though it’s just her molting but he continues to attack her and I’m...
  18. Susie Seagrave

    Salpingitis or not? Mystery condition

    I have four much-loved Girls but two-year old 'Cantona', who was an excellent layer, seems to have a problem with her poo, and a lack of eggs. Although she looks like an active, healthy hen, my first thought was Salpingitis, having lost a hen to it some years ago, but there's been no lash egg. I...
  19. W

    Why the egg song but no eggs

    Hi, we have a flock of 12 re-homed RIR’s that are about 18 months old. They keep doing the egg song but when we go out to the coop there are no eggs. What’s going on? They are laying but not that often, we are based in the south of France, so temps are usually about 30 degrees during the day...
  20. Spatacuulous

    New Flock Adoption = No Eggs

    We recently dove back into the Chicken life. A friend told us about 4 rescue Reds that needed help, so I purchased a coop and attached run - and they have fenced free range as well. They have great food, clean water every day, treats, shade - nesting boxes etc - all the right stuff. The first...
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