no eggs

  1. S

    Help, She's Crowing & won't lay eggs anymore!!!

    Hi! This is my 1st post! ANY suggestions are welcome!! My almost 2 yr old Buff Orpington was laying last year, Stopped to moult & decided to start crowing in February. She started laying in March, for the season, but only laid 2 eggs & they where both soft shelled. She hasn't laid any since...
  2. Starrponies

    Coturnix quail not laying. Why?

    I have two sets of breeding quail. They are 9 weeks old today. Ratio is 4 hens to each male. I feed them 30 percent protein game starter. They each have their own rabbit hutch that is 2ft by 4ft with an enclosed nesting area. They have free choice feed and water. They have been out in the bigger...
  3. M

    3 Year Old hens haven't laid in years!!!

    So we have one very large rooster (Unknown Breed), 6 Buff Orpington hens (2 of which are 5+ yrs old), 2 Leghorns who have just started laying, a New Hampshire Red, a Sapphire Splash, and a Barred Rock. The 4 younger Buffs are 3 years old (About to be 4 this spring), the 2 Leghorns are mature...
  4. C

    Molting or something else?

    Hello! I’ve had chickens almost 2 years but this is my first year I’ve dealt with molting. A bit about my flock: 8 hens are 1yr 11m (golden comets & Easter eggers) 4hens 1yr 1m (Rhode Island reds, buff Orpington & copper maran) Egg production started to decrease in October and then only...
  5. twobuckchuckfarm

    2 yo Hens Stopped Laying in May, Still No Eggs

    Right now I have 13 hens. 7 that hatched in spring of 2022, and 6 that hatched in spring of 2023. 4 of my original 7 hatchlings from 2023 stopped laying this past May after introducing the 6 new pullets and a 1yo Bantam Rooster (who is very nice to our girls) around the beginning of May. They...
  6. D

    My chicken’s stopped laying eggs

    So all of the sudden my chickens have stopped laying eggs. I have 8 hens 2 roosters a duck and a goose. They all live happily together in the same coop. Has been that way for 2 years. Then 3 of my chickens started brooding so they stopped laying one of the brooders killed one of the others for...
  7. L

    Egg production stopped

    Our OG layers were born last August (7 of them), so they are now just over a year old. Two months ago we picked up a turkey and a silkie. They integrated well into the flock. We picked up more layers at a swap a month ago (7 new-to-us hens, within laying age). In addition, we picked up...
  8. MolliMonster99

    Ducks and Chickens stopped laying?

    Hi all! So, my runners and chickens started to lay again back in late January/early February, but it's been a week now with no eggs and I'm worried in case there's something wrong. They are all eating well, drinking fine and acting perfectly normal. We have had some snow this week and I thought...
  9. Everose

    Who here isn't getting eggs?

    My chickens and ducks quit laying eggs early summer of 2022, but they were under stress, molting, and on a cheap feed. So I didn't think anything of it. For months now they've all been in new spacious pens, on a layer diet, they're all young and they are all in good health. I've had no predator...
  10. E

    My polish chicken is almost one and she hasn't laid an egg?

    Our beloved (sort of psychotic--ha!) Polish hen, Pierogi, is almost one year old and hasn't laid a single egg. Our other ladies, born the same day, have been laying for months now. Pierogi has rooster tendencies (a bit aggressive, will try and attack anything that comes near the coop) but is...
  11. Clodill4rel

    Not sitting on eggs broody hen

    It is possible for a hen to be broody and actually be sitting in the middle of the coop not on any eggs? Her behavior is acting totally broody she’s not laying and staying in one spot acting like she has eggs under her but there is none. It’s been two days now….. is something wrong with her? We...
  12. TheQuackHouseCW

    Muscovy is broody but not laying

    My one females has been broody for almost 2 weeks but she has not been laying... can i put eggs from the other females in her nest? Can i collect them for a few days and put them all in nest at once or should I be adding them the day they are laid?? never had this happen before
  13. A

    What’s wrong with my Hen?????

    Hi my hen is a Rhode Island Red and is only just over a year old. Yesterday she stood around the garden and wouldn’t move but I didn’t think much of it. She usually has a problem laying every so often because she lays double yolks and is always fine. But today was worse. She has stood in the...
  14. H

    No one is laying! What am I doing wrong!

    I have 38 bym hens hatched may 2021 and 4 roosters, I live in Canada where we have snowy cold winters. Our temperatures have been stable and above freezing, I have artificial light in their coop on a timer for 15 hours, they have full access to fresh water and layer ration, scratch, oyster...
  15. A

    She looks horrible

    I have one hen that is looking really horrible. This is my first time raising chickens. They were given to me last year around this time. They all layed eggs well at the time. Then when spring hit, they slowed to about 1 to 2 eggs a day. Now, I haven't gotten an egg in 3 days. All of them look...
  16. ChickChic00

    No Eggs

    I've got no eggs for 4-5 months maybe more, I stopped counting. My hens are in a open pen that is 40 by 40 ft. The hen house is 10 by 10. I give them 2 cups alfalfa pellets, chicken feed with sunflower seeds in it, and 20% protein chick starter. I have given them everything. I even ferment their...
  17. L

    Speedy girl is sick!

    A few days ago, I noticed my Speedy girl laying in the middle of the run, she still tried to run from me when I tried to pick her up but I was able to get her . . . twice . . . which is not normal for her at all. I was petting her and she spit up some water that she had just sipped but nothing...
  18. F

    Duck always nesting but no eggs

    My duck has been nesting almost always every day for atleast 3-4 days now but no eggs, she always goes back to the same spot, and she’s made a decent nest out of hay, I do have a drake and two other females, but from what I’ve seen I don’t know if any of them actually know how to mate? The drake...
  19. OrlandoMama

    No eggs yet but breeding

    My flock is 17 weeks and 1 day and with the exception of my rooster that was gifted to me that’s for sure over a year. I have 2 rhode island reds, 2 light brahmas, and two prairie bluebell easter eggers. I have seen absolutely none of the girls squat or lay eggs but for the last few days I’ve...
  20. J

    Hen not laying but appears ok

    Hi all, Recently joined to ask for some advice really. I have an Oxfordshire brown hen, she’s about 2.5 years old, she is a good layer for the most part, except a few times a year she would get lethargic and soft lay and then immediately bounce back. She was having one of these episodes but it...
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