no eggs

  1. A

    Chickens won't stop sitting on the nest. NEED HELP

    So, a bit of background for the past few weeks, when this problem started. With 8 chooks, and only 3 people in the family, we have plenty of eggs. So sometimes we go a couple of days without picking up the eggs from the coop. It's not normally a problem. If a chook starts sitting on them, they...
  2. L

    No Eggs for 2+ weeks , northern arizona, Prescott

    Hey y'all, We have 4 hens. We live in Prescott AZ where it gets to be freezing at night and 50's - 60's during the day. They were free ranging around our yard most of the summer to keep them out of our fenced in garden. Once we pulled out the garden for winter, we moved the run from the coop to...
  3. Big Red Roosters

    Isa Brown not laying eggs

    I have one Isa Brown, she's a sweetheart. She hasn't missed a day of laying since spring. She's about a year and a half old. I noticed for several weeks that her eggs were looking a little different, some weren't totally colored, others were a bit wrinkled, and the yolks had little red spots. I...
  4. T

    9 month old Ameraucana's not laying!

    Pics for reference. My girls were born in January. They free range a couple of hours a day, have access to plenty of food and water, and are happy friendly birds. Now, I know they may not even be ameraucana's, but this is late for any breed. One of my girl's combs just got a little bigger and...
  5. lorlcopter

    Egg production has disappeared in a young healthy flock, deformed eggs

    Hi all, I was wondering if someone here could help me with a recent, precipitous decline in my flock's egg-laying output. From about the middle til the end of July, my six hens (born 2/2017, and laying from 8/2017 on without a problem, apart from a slight drop off in winter due to lack of...
  6. audrey305

    One breed stopped laying?

    I have 11 chickens (3 EEs, 3 BRs, 3 BOs, and 2 RIRs). They are about 6 months old and started laying around August 12th (my son's bday so I remember exactly! Lol). I was getting anywhere from 5-9 eggs a day with 2 or so of those coming from my Easter Eggers... But over the last week or so, I...
  7. S

    How to stop pet quail from laying

    How do you stop pet quail form laying? I have 1 male and 2 females, and I give them cuttlebone, do I have to stop giving them calcium, or will tht just damage their bones and they will still lay eggs? I don't want to stress them out too much, thanks. How should I stop them from laying, because...
  8. Nats Chickens

    NO EGGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hi everyone, my super layers (all but one) have stopped laying at a year and a half, do you think they are just taking a break, or they have reached the end of the line like most super layers this age? We haven't got an egg out of them for 9+ days, so what do you think? It isn't a seasonal...
  9. Nats Chickens

    NO EGGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hi everyone, my super layers (all but one) have stopped laying at a year and a half, do you think they are just taking a break, or they have reached the end of the line like most super layers this age? We haven't got an egg out of them for 9+ days, so what do you think? It isn't a seasonal...
  10. Evelyn's Mom

    I think my chickens missed me...

    My family and I went camping for 5 days during which I had two generous helpers take care of my 5 girls. My mother in law let them out into the run each morning and my neighbor/friend visited in the evening and gave them yummy treats and shut them up in the coop for the night... I have seen no...
  11. B

    Sick Bird? Strange Egg & Not Wanting To Leave Coop

    Hi All - Been monitoring this one RIR of my three for about a week now but seemed a bit off maybe starting a few days before that. The 3 birds are right at a year old and have been reliable egg layers since mid-winter (dropping off during cold spells then starting up again). So about a week...
  12. mystified45


    I have three chickens and have been getting eggs for almost 2 years. They were young when I got them so they are about 2 or so years old. I have not had one egg since Winter hit back in November. I live in SW Pennsylvania. My girls are Ameraucana and Cochin mix. They are small; not the huge...
  13. Joeschooks

    Bald bottom and stopped laying!

    Around October my 10 month old Marans based hybrid stopped laying. Despite being a hybrid that is supposed to lay through winter, I just put this down to a reduction in daylight hours and thought no more of it. She did lay two unexpected eggs last week, meanwhile my other girls have carried on...
  14. sooty and sweep

    Chickens haven’t laid for 6 months

    Hi I have two chickens, Who started moulting August last year so they stopped laying eggs. This took a while but they have finished now and they still haven’t started laying again. They have access to food, water, oyster shells and grit. Also one of them has had a dirty and poopyrear feathers...
  15. Lute

    Lazy cluckers!

    Ages ago I had a small flock and had to get rid of them due to moving to an apartment in the city. Now I'm back with a new, significantly smaller flock. I have 3 EEs that are now 38 weeks old and no signs of laying! Lazy suckers! --I feed them a commercial 16% feed (as soon as I'm out I'm...
  16. jasondean

    Easter Eggers all stopped laying at 15 months old. Been almost 4 months now.

    We have barred rock, rhode island reds, and easter eggers. Got them as chicks April 2016. All normal until this summer, they stopped laying, then maybe a month later they started molting. They finished molting a month ago. In total it's been around 4 or 5 months of literally zero blue eggs...
  17. Thorleifur

    Watery Crop, Watery Poos, Laying Issues

    My hen is 7 months old, has been laying since 5 months (only taking a day or two off on rare occasion). She has not laid for two days and has been having watery poos. Sometimes no solids, all clear liquid. Today I noticed she was drinking excessive amounts of water which has made her crop...
  18. hupynorris

    2 hens-1st time laying-no egg?!?

    Hello! I am new to chickens. We have 6 girls- 3 easter eggers, 1 barred rock, 1 gold sex link and 1 buff orphington. They are 22 weeks now. We have 3 solid egg layers as of this week. My barred rock was in quarantine yesterday in my house due to a comb injury ( she is fine, I am mildly over...
  19. Elsi

    HELP!!!! My hens quit laying 2 months ago

    We have approx 100 hens, Rhode Island Reds, Production reds, and some white leghorn. We started with 30 and then added about 70 more to our flock back in March, ages between 8 months and 18 months, they were laying up to 50 eggs a day during spring but end of June they all quit laying, I mean...
  20. B

    Newbie:/ Any help/ suggestions appreciated.

    This is my first go at raising chickens. Approx 6mo ago I got 4 chicks. I had one roster in the mix I re-homed about 2mo ago once he strarted... well being a rooster! But have 3 hens almost grown. I believe there breeds are a (Plymouth barrel Rock), one (leghorn) , one (Whittington). I could...
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