Muscovy is broody but not laying


In the Brooder
May 2, 2022
My one females has been broody for almost 2 weeks but she has not been laying... can i put eggs from the other females in her nest? Can i collect them for a few days and put them all in nest at once or should I be adding them the day they are laid?? never had this happen before
My one females has been broody for almost 2 weeks but she has not been laying...
That is normal.

The usual pattern for almost any kind of bird: lay an egg every day or so until there are about the right number in the nest, then go broody and sit on them without laying any more eggs. When they hatch, switch from sitting to raising babies.

So once she goes broody, she typically does not lay more eggs (sometimes one or two more, but not many.)

can i put eggs from the other females in her nest?

Can i collect them for a few days and put them all in nest at once or should I be adding them the day they are laid??
It is better to collect the right number of eggs, and put them all in the nest at once. That way they all hatch at once, and she can switch from sitting on eggs to raising babies.

While you are collecting eggs, keep them somewhere that is not especially hot or cold. Room temperature is usually fine. The embryos just sit there dormant, until you put them in a nice warm place (under the female) and then they start to grow.

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