
  1. wenwar


    Had a hawk try to land on one of my birds! Thankfully, the dog and the boyfriend saw him at the same time and he flew away. Aria fled to the coop and was not harmed. We have a huge yard and can't do netting. Any suggestions to keep Mr. Hawk away would be appreciated.
  2. TheHoverMother

    Newbie coop questions? Need help :)

    My husband hired a guy to build out part of our shavings barn for 8 chicks he bought in May. I love the set up, but it’s become obvious the coop doesn’t meet the needs of our little flock. Pic 1 shows one side of the coop, the other side is identical with 8 nesting boxes in total. Pic 2...
  3. lsutigersec

    Newbie to Backyard Chickens

    Hi There, I'm a newbie to backyard chickens and chickens in general. I've been throughly into dogs and dog rescue, but this is my first venture into chickens. I decided to get some back yard chickens (which are separated from my dogs) for eggs and now I'm head over heels for my chickens...
  4. afwifey

    Your duck pen....

    I left the ducks out for the first time last night even though the pen isn’t quite finished. The wire is all up and the house is put together. I have locks on the gate but we plan to add a pitched tarp (just temporary plastic cover right now) to the house side, I have a bigger pool, and I’m...
  5. Chickooster

    Is there a mini version of the Eco glow brooder heat pad?

    Hello. I was wondering if there was a smaller version of the Eco Glow 20 Chick brooder. I currently have a heat lamp, however I do not feel safe leaving my house with it on. Thank you.
  6. Afrodigh

    Is coop door necessary?

    I just brought home four 12-wk old Barred rock hens. They are in a fully enclosed coop and run. I have both buried hardware cloth and a hardware cloth apron around the structure. Their coop access is inside the run. They have been naturally getting in the coop at sunset each night. We have not...
  7. DempsK01

    Murder Mystery, what killed my chicks??????

    I have lost 8 baby chicks (not very young - 7-8 weeks) to an unknown predator. The run was closed, everyone inside and no holes dug into the run. All chicks left dead in the run except one outside the run (could not have left on it's own the run fencing is 6ft with nothing close to the edge they...
  8. JaneandLizzy

    Chickengaurd automatic door and raccoons

    I got the Chickengaurd door last May. I've been very happy with not having to open and close the door every day, --and so are my chickens-- but, I've been a bit uneasy ever since, because it does not appear to be raccoon proof. I have looked off and on for the past year to find something...
  9. Ducksforfum

    Indoor ducklings

    Hi all! We just hatched 6/8 Ancona duck eggs this past week. We have our lively brood indoors for the next 6 weeks. Any tips on keeping the house from smelling like a barn? What essential oils/ scented candles are safe for freshening up the area? Here's our little brood!
  10. K

    Predator Proofing Coop

    Hello! I have recently purchased a pre-made coop and am in the process of setting it up. I want to predator proof the coop as we have coyotes and raccoons in the area. I have read that to predator proof the coop from underneath and prevent anything from digging under the coop, that you need to...
  11. Farmer413

    Birds killed by bobcat

    I had 16 birds killed by a bobcat about 2 weeks ago. 11 hens, one rooster, and 5 guinea hens. (It was very upsetting. 3 of the chickens came by name and most let me pick them up and followed me around.) I live in Massachusetts. I did call MassWildlife and they said most bobcats arent rabid. Id...
  12. GoatDragonFarms

    Chicken yard drama! Halp!

    Alright folks, we need help. The situation: We have 13 birds, mixed flock. One of them is a year+ old laying silkie hen. We have two 3.5 month old Wyandotte cockerels. The two cockerels hatched and grew up together with 4 pullets and have no problem with each other. They have gotten, in the past...
  13. S

    Raccoon deterrent - fence spikes?

    Has anyone tried fence spikes to deter raccoons and if so, has it been helpful? We had a recent attack and are feeling horrible. Our coop is predator proof...except the door wasn't totally locked. Switching to combo lock for that. Anyhow, the raccoons come from over our fence - I know it won't...
  14. Animal family

    New duck mom

    Hi everyone! I have 2 Swedish ducks that live in my suburban back yard and are my pets. Any advice on keeping them safe during the day would be welcome. I have cover from hawks and they have a great coop at night but I worry about dogs, coyotes, and foxes during the day. Thanks!
  15. LittleWillowFarm

    unused thread

  16. BrandonMcfly

    Can my baby chicks go outside?

    Im a new chicken owner i have two girl chicks my first so How old do my babies have to be to be able to go outside? Not to sleep they will sleep indoors but just to run around and stuff :) I get worried that they're to small might get hurt or might get sick so please help :( I have had them for...
  17. Chicken Predators and Pests: Getting Started With The Day

    Chicken Predators and Pests: Getting Started With The Day

    Are you sick and tired of your chicken/s being eaten all the time? Well If you read this you can help your chickens survive and have a peaceful life! So are you ready to find out? Let's start our journey! Chickens like to explore and being curious about stuff, they don't know if it's danger...
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