unknown breed

  1. 0ddaudd

    Male Duck Wont Mate With Female Duck !!

    Hello ! So about a year ago I got two Rhode Island Red hens and a Pekin duck. They grew up peacefully and it wasn’t until recently that he (Eli) tried mating with my hens ! So i rescued a little 1 year old female duck in hopes it would calm him down. The rescuer unfortunately didn’t know what...
  2. ZoomuKeeper

    What breed are these

    I bought and incubated a dozen eggs that was a mix of pure bred chickens. I got brahmas and polish and Andalusian and then these 2 that I have no clue what they are. They hatched out November30/ The Colored one is a roos and the blue black one is hen. She looks blue in the sun
  3. ChickenTenderKesha

    Old rooster, what breed(s)?

    This handsome fella was from 3 years ago at an old farm I had previously worked at. He was there for a short time while his housing was being set up for him. These are the only photos I have of him but I was wondering if anyone would be able to tell me what breed he is or if he’s a mix of...
  4. Heymrkrabs

    What breed are these?

    I was originally told that these hens were cinnamon queens (RIR x RIW), but now looking at other pics of cinnamon queens, they don't look the same as others. They are just over a year old and lay eggs almost daily.
  5. ChickenTenderKesha

    5 toes, feathered feet, crests, what are they ??

    I picked up these 7 chickens and didn’t think to ask the breeds and it wasn’t stated in the ad. They had been mixed in with some pheasants and the people had some very interesting birds in another pen nearby, but no other chickens besides the ones in the pens I was shown to. If there’s any...
  6. J&Kfeatheredfowl

    What IS THIS?!

    Hey everyone. So, the strangest thing just happened. We were down the allotments seeing to our hens and newly hatched chicks when a strange bird crashed into the fence?? At first we thought it was a chicken, but it doesn’t appear to have a comb - so we honestly have no clue what it is. It flew...
  7. Fallenone05

    Black leg and combed birds

    Hi everyone! I went to my local sale barn and ended up buying some chickens to start a flock again. Two of the ones I got are Easter Eggers, but the other two are a mystery. They've got dark black faces, combs and legs. They're gold and black, but don't have the face tufts of an EE or the...
  8. Frizzle Chicken

    Chicken Identification

    I need help figuring out what in the world this thing is. I had originally assumed him to be a Wheaten Ameracauna, but he doesn't have any tuft/beard and his feather pattern isn't right. It's possible he's a mutt, we got him at an auction, but I wanted to see if maybe his breed just wasn't in...
  9. ecb4156

    10 week old hen..

    I got her out of the barred rock container at tractor supply, obviously is not what they said she was. She is bantam sized and all black. I’m just curious as to what she is. Thank y’all
  10. Dedetiger

    What Breed Is This Lovely Lady?

    My friend has a chicken in her yard, but everyone nearby doesn’t know her breed or hasn’t been able to figure it out quite yet. Since I got an account here I offered to ask! So, does anyone know the breed of this lovely hen?
  11. chickenreyna

    Any idea on the breed of this?

    I found it along with several polish chicks in the wrong bin labelled Cornish cross...it looks extra grumpy..lol Yellow legs and feet
  12. Nature_al

    Unknown Baby Chick

    Hey BYC! We bought four new chicks from a feed supply store 5 weeks ago and one of them was supposed to be a barred rock pullet. She has not developed any barring and I am concerned she is not a barred rock at all... any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you! Al 1st photo: Bonnie at 4...
  13. A

    Need help determining breed please

    So I traded my 3 banties for 3 hens, what I was assuming layers, but now after seeing them I'm guessing they are gamefowl, I would just like some help determining what they are. I can't currently post pictures, but I'll post some later tonight. If would be helpful in the meantime if y'all could...
  14. Little Kitten

    Hi Y'all

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I was raised in the city (Houston) and I have very little experience to chickens. My husband and I moved to Fort Worth this year and wanted to start out a chicken coop business but first thing you need are chickens right? We first...
  15. KassieEspi

    What Breed of Chicken Is this?

    Hi Everyone, New comer to BackYardChickens! I was needing help figuring out what breed of chicken this was. I was debating between Partridge Rock and Welsummers, but the leg color of mine is different from those breeds. And now I’m not so sure anymore! If you could help, I’d appreciate your...
  16. mlejneks

    Need help determining breed of young chicks

    Hello. I recently picked up 5 chicks from someone local. They are about 5 weeks old. I was told they were pullet Wyandotte varieties (silver, and red). From what I've found online, my chicks don't seem to share a strong resemblance to Wyandotte chicks. They have very interesting markings...
  17. OnlyW0LF

    What breed is my couple month old hen?

    I know that she is a bantam, but tinier than i've ever owned before she is about half the size of our other chickens and looking to be probabaly not growing any bigger than this. We bought a mix of 20 bantams, but shes the only bantam to survive.
  18. HuskerHens18

    What is this comb?

    Everyone will probably be very frustrated with me, as I have NO CLUE as who the dad of this chick is. The mom is an unknown breed from TSC that BYC and myself couldn't figure out either. This is the mother who sadly passed away. Anyway back to my question, what kind of comb is that supposed...
  19. Mortygoescluck

    Don’t know the breed to my chick!

    hello! I’ve got a 2-3 month old chick and was told what breed the pet store thought it was, but I have a feeling they weren’t too sure. Plus I cannot remember what they told me. So, I’d love to get feedback on what breed you think my chick is...I already have a feeling this chick is a hen from...
  20. Mortygoescluck

    New member!

    hello! I am a new chicken owner and right now I have two chickens. One hen is a silkie named Morty (she had a brother named Rick, who is enjoying his life at a friends farm being able to be loud as he pleases.) the other is a baby chick, who I feel is a hen because of the coloring on her head...
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