weak chick

  1. Babyjulie

    Young chick is very weak

    I have a Rhode Island Red chick who isn't doing great at all. She was fine for the first 2-3days when I brought the chicks home. 2nights ago she ant the other Rhode Island Red chic started acting lethargic, and having pasty butt, and liquid poop. I gave them corid yesterday but after talking...
  2. SilkiesInSuburb

    One chick dead, Two chicks Sluggish-- two-month-old chicks

    I'm afraid I have bad news. Mustang, the buff brahma bantam chick, has passed away earlier today. The two remaining chicks, Noel and Nina (brahma and cochin), are weak, unstable, and seem very "groggy". I brought them inside and cleaned the coop. Nina's condition has been deteriorating while...
  3. B

    Coturnix chick can't stand

    I hatched a bunch of very healthy quail about 3 weeks ago, no problems with the ones that hatched, but a few duds in the 'bator...though very few So fast forward about a week and a half, and I notice a stumble in one chick. It's very awake, it never stops, like literally it's always bumbling...
  4. meowtakkun

    2 chicks dead, 2 others look sick

    I'll try and keep this short. Last week I got some day old OEG banties. A few have had pasty butt. 1 got very weak and weighed nothing. She died that night. I woke up to another dead chick who previously seemed fine. They've been active and eating/drinking fine as far as I've seen. A few of them...
  5. H

    Early Hatching Egg & Weak Chick

    I'm going to preface this with my eggs were never suppose to hatch. My incubator isn't the best. It was an experiment since I live on a farm with someone who has too many eggs and wanted to see if I could hatch some. I never expected to have anything hatch. I don't even know anything about...
  6. A

    HELP 1.5-2 week old chick sneezing, odd sounding chirps, lethargic.

    This is my first time having chicks. I picked them up almost two weeks ago from a local feed store. They were flown in, and likely 1 day to 3 days old when I first brought them home. I have no idea how long they were in transit. One of the chicks is a buff orpington, it was the smallest when...
  7. Contolini6

    Chick having trouble standing and walking. How do I help her?

    I am really new to chickens. We just got six chicks about a week ago! Five of them are doing great-- cheeping and eating and pooping and running around like nobody's business. I started noticing a few days ago that one of them (Janice) is not doing so hot however. She seemed way weaker and less...
  8. L

    Help With Weak Silkie Mix Chick?

    Hello, everybody! I currently have seventeen silkie chicks in the brooder, and one is very weak. I separated it with two others, and it's not eating nor drinking on its own since yesterday. I woke up this morning with a heavy heart, expecting it to have passed away, but it was fine, just weak. I...
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