weak chick

  1. S

    Suddenly became weak

    My 1 month and 7 days old chick was okay but he suddenly became less active and weak from today..He is looking weak and sick from morning. I gave him green chilli and what else can I do now?
  2. T

    Weak chick, hand feeding now day 3, chances?

    Hi all, I’ve just incubator hatched 5 healthy Cream Legbar chicks and one other chick from a different egg source that claimed to be Black Copper Maran but this chick is pure yellow. Regardless, it was a half dozen that really suffered in the post and this little one was the only successful...
  3. A

    Reviving a weak chick-help!

    hi everyone! i have had a good amount of experience in nursing ducklings back to health. a friend of mine calls on me whenever he needs help with a baby. i have had one runt quail who i unfortunately lost and one runt chick who survived. this little guy got a chill from falling in his water bowl...
  4. N

    Please help with weak baby chicken!! He keeps falling asleep?

    Just yesterday the first egg hatched and out of it came a chick as strong as it can be. The next one, however, when I saw it, I got scared. He just stayed on his side breathing. We got it out scared that a chicken might have stepped on him or will be stepped on and put it in a nice warm box with...
  5. CayugaMama

    2 chicks down & I’m worried about the rest! Help!

    Yesterday, we received 6 baby chicks from Meyer hatchery. Yesterday afternoon I noticed one of the chicks acting very lethargic. I made sure she was getting water and hand fed her some growgel and yolk. She resisted everything. She wasn’t able to stand up on her own. Then, she started cheeping...
  6. L

    3 week old Chick can't walk.

    I have 3 baby chick's one isn't doing so well. She's an ameraucana. On Thursday night I noticed she wasn't moving I removed her from her shared brooder. I gave her raw yellow yolk until I could get her some electolytes and vitamin supplements. I started her on the supplements Friday morning. She...
  7. Just some chicks

    Chick not moving

    I know it's a broad title but I don't know what to name it. So, I'm not new to chickens. We have several different breeds and all have been Healthy with the exception of a few splayed legs, but thats fixable. So this chick, who we hatched from our very healthy ayam cemani. The ayam cemani...
  8. S

    Ill Chick, what do I do?

    This is the first time my family has raised chicks, my father has raised them before but we don’t know what to do about this one chick. She is a Silver Polish, the only one of our group of chicks but it doesn’t seem like the other chicks have picked on her at all, she is also smaller than the...
  9. poukipoulet

    Weak silkie chic

    Weak silkie chic needs help! This little chic had trouble hatching out of the shell, after 2 days of being stuck, I very gently helped it out by breaking little pieces of shell. The chic got out of the inner membrane by itself. ( I know this isn't recommended but I figured it had been too...
  10. M

    chick emergency! Prolapsed vent

    HELP!! Unfortunately I stepped on my 3 week old chick yesterday... I didn’t put my full foot down fully until I realized she was under my foot. I did enough damage that her vent prolapsed.. I did some reading about what I should do so I popped it back in with Vaseline after disinfecting it but...
  11. E

    2 month old chicken, unable to walk

    Good morning, everyone! I got a text from my mom this morning, saying that her 2 month old hatchling isn't walking. She is able to walk, she just prefers to lay down. When she does walk, it seems she is very stiff (maybe even weak/wobbly and a little knock-kneed?). She is upright and alert, but...
  12. byrd95

    Sluggish baby chick

    I recently had an outbreak of coccida in my 8 week old chicks. I had 14 and am down to two. They are doing great and I am still treating them with corid. I also have 1 week old serama chicks I am treating and they all seem to be doing fantastic! I have 6 polish chicks ranging from 3-5 weeks. My...
  13. Fru-Fru

    Tiny chicken, eats little, hardly drinks

    Hello, I have been trying to keep a tiny chick alive. Can you help me? What can I do to treat him / increase his chances? The story is: I got my first chickens a week ago, mail-order from a local hatchery, they are Silkies. One of them came out of the box a little smaller, panting, did not...
  14. NurseRah

    Brand new chick, mega issues swallowing

    Hi there! I'm super new here, and very new to backyard chickens. We picked up a few laying hens from a friend a few weeks ago, and decided for fun and a learning experience for my kids, we would toss some of the first few eggs we got in an incubator. Out of a clutch 6 eggs, we had two make it to...
  15. EmChole

    My chicks wings are droopy!?

    Hello! I just got my first chicks this week. I had one chick a couple days ago that didn’t make it.(out of 10) She was considerably smaller than the others, I noticed her wings were droopy and she stayed in one corner most of the time. She was eating and drinking but acting very weak. This...
  16. J

    Limping, black spots on feet, 2 wk chick

    Hi Everyone, Here's a picture of a 2 week old chick (easter egger) with black spots on its feet. Within the last 24 hours, we noticed the chick slipping and sliding when trying to walk, its legs apparently not strong enough to hold it up. The chicks had scratched to the bottom of their brooder...
  17. A

    i have 3 silkie chicks that i am raising as pets, but one is very behind the others

    we recently brought home four silkie chicks however one passed away a couple nights ago. we have no idea why but we are now paranoid that it'll happen again. 2 of our three chicks are very plump and balanced while the other appears much smaller and skinnier as well as much weaker. they are...
  18. N

    Weak Silkie/Possible Splay Leg?

    Hi! This is my first time raising baby chicks and one of my chicks seems to be having some troubles. I picked her/him up at about a day old. She was super sleepy and wouldn't eat/drink/move. It seems like her legs are really wide but don't seem to be quite as splayed as alot of the photos I've...
  19. Firsttimecrazychicklady

    Help my chick is chirping and kicking it’s legs but can’t stand

    One of my chicks hatched in the incubator last night. She was in a funny position the next morning (one her side legs spread and her neck bent) and her umbilical chord was still attached with the egg shell stuck to her. We cut the very end of the umbilical chord away because it was very dry...
  20. Amandals22

    Need advice/help with a week old Serama chick

    Warning! Long post I apologize ahead of time. Hi, I am looking for anyone with advice or experience with hatching chicks naturally by mom but ended up with a chick having pasty butt and then almost dying but brought back to life. My serama hen hatched out 4 babies last Wednesday. All hatched...
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