weak chick

  1. G

    My baby chick can't lift her head or walk

    I got young chicks about a week ago they have been fine until yesterday when one of my buff orphington chicks started acting sick. She can't keep her head up and doesn't really walk, just backs up and kinda shakes her head. We have no idea what it could be, I was thinking it could possibly be...
  2. boggart

    Chick is lethargic and has an empty crop

    Good morning. My little chick “Roo” is very lethargic today and will hardly pick at his food. His crop is empty/squishy compared to my other chicks, he has a poopy butt, and he is wobbly on his feet with low-hanging wings. Any ideas of what could be wrong and what I can do to help?
  3. FrostyWind

    My baby chick has pasty butt and is getting weaker?

    For 2 days now my baby chick butt has been sticking and fulling with poop. No matter how many times I've cleaned it off, it keeps coming back and the chick is getting weaker? What can I do? Is it already too late for the chick to survive? I've cleaned it just now and he's sitting and closing...
  4. S

    Need Chick Help ASAP

    Hello, I have had an extremely difficult time with these chicks. My family has two hens in our backyard and one was broody but no rooster to make a baby. We got her some fertilized eggs from a farm near us, and five out of six hatched. When the first chick hatched, our hen did everything she was...
  5. W


    Too long didnt read at bottom. Can someone please please help ASAP! I have a little chick here who is almost a week old. Shes been having issues for the past 3 days. Shes not eating or drinking, shes panting/ breathing heavily and shes really weak and lethargic. She seems to have a fair bit of...
  6. Peepinwithmapeeps

    Baby chick lethargic:should I just let it sleep?

    I just recieved 10 babies in the mail. Mostly healthy considering their 2 day journey-except for 1. They're under heat, drinking water with vita-pak and eating. The weak one seems to be unable to do anything than faceplant. It's right near food and water and interested but struggling. I'm just...
  7. C

    New chick seems weak, difficulty standing up

    I decided to assist a chick in hatching after it pipped at the narrow end of the egg and then didn't progress for 24+ hours. I unzipped the shell and left it and it was able to push out on its own. It has been out for an hour at least and is weaker and less exuberant than its siblings were (I...
  8. CannedMonster

    Chick With Infected Umbilical?

    I bought this chick at TSC on Saturday along with 6 others. All the others are fine; eating, drinking, pooping, exploring. This one became listless this morning and I noticed soft stool stuck to her bum. I cleaned her but had to go to work. When I got home she was extremely lethargic and...
  9. Homeschool Adventure Mom

    Runt baby- what else can I do?

    Hello! Thank you in advance for any help! I am brand new but have read tons of stories of sick and runt chicks here and am thankful for this forum for guiding me this far. I’ll try to stick to highlights of backstory & questions I still have to keep as short as possible: -First 3 chicks of our...
  10. N

    chick can't stand, walk, or hold head up

    My black silkie chicken was born this morning and isn't looking great. It can't walk and it just kind of hops and flaps around. I checked and it doesn't have splayed leg, crooked toes or perosis. It also doesn't really hold it's head up, he has held it up but mostly it's head is just facing...
  11. Tanya22

    Baby Chick around 6 weeks, is very sick! Coccidiosis treatment started but could it be a deficiency?

    We found a baby chick around 6 weeks back lying on the road and brought her back home. She (her name is Tooki) might be of the broiler breed. Not sure. But now for the past 5 days she has suddenly gotten very sick and stopped moving around. We had purchased a baby chick (Brownie) so that Tooki...
  12. J

    Help! Baby chick won't eat or drink

    One of my baby chicks (week old at the most) was attacked by some dogs yesterday. No visible injuries, but it seems like there are some serious issues with her legs. She was laying flat yesterday with her legs straight out behind her for a while. Now, her legs are back under her normally, but...
  13. C

    Chick with hurt leg

    Chick hatched (naturally) yesterday. When we were checking on the hen and all her chicks today, we found one with a hurt leg. It has a couple cut places, swollen near the joint, and can't hold weight. We took the chick out of that pen and have brought it inside for the night. We are using a...
  14. BrittanyG

    My 3 Month Old Chick Is Acting Weak

    I have a young chicken that is about 3 months old. For about 3 days now, she’s been acting weak and it seems like she doesn’t want to move around much. The others I have around her age that she has been kept with all seem fine. She is still eating and drinking on her own, but she’s keeping her...
  15. HuskerHens18

    Sick pullet, skin and bones

    These last three weeks I've been introducing my pullets and cockerels to my main flock. They will be 3 months old the 4th of June. Everything has gone so perfect until now. I lost my Ameraucana chick last week, it's crop was empty when it died, no wounds. Now my Super Blue pullet is super...
  16. Star Creek

    Please help, chick and I aren't quitters

    I have a weak / sick week old Golden Campine that I am trying to save. I found him in the brooder yesterday getting knocked around and with his head cocked to the side, after being really robust in the days leading up. He had pasty butt (a few of the chicks did earlier in the week too), which...
  17. J

    chick LEG problem? splayed? pics

    this little one is nearly 3 days old now and hasn't been able to walk, just sort of hobbles along/slides itself forward. at first we thought it was a bad case of splayed leg and made a brace for it but now are afraid it might be something worse since it does not like to use its right leg at all...
  18. Chickababie01

    Weak Baby chick help please

    :fl My chick is really sick it hatched today at 04:00 , it is now 14:42 , and it’s still in the same position can I give it this electrolyte solution? Please help !
  19. L

    Silkie Chick, Lethargic and Weak

    Hi everyone! I recently attempted to hatch chicks under a broody silkie hen for the first time. The first two silkie chicks came out healthy and strong, but the third one is weak and is unable to walk, eat, or drink properly. We have three broody silkie hens. The first two chicks were given to...
  20. chickmamat

    Weak chick, won’t eat or drink, droopy wings....

    my local feed store got in a shipment of chicks. I know the owner and she told me that the shipping company lost the chicks, and so they arrived 24hrs late. Some had sadly died and some were very weak. I took two home that seemed fine. Then I noticed one of them wasn’t eat or drinking. Or really...
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