Apr 25, 2018
Hi there!
I recently purchased my first ever incubator, a Brinsea mini Advance ii. After putting eggs in, for the first two days, I did not realize that the automatic turner (which turns the eggs every 45 minutes), was not running long enough to completely rotate the top down to the bottom and the bottom to the top; it only rocked them about halfway. I extended the run time, so it now successfully turns them completely, but I am afraid that for the first two days it was inadequate. It is day 3, so I candled one egg (as minimally invasive as possible, I know I really shouldn't candle so often/early but I just really wanted to check in), and instead of floating to the top as I turn the egg over the light, the embryo and the veins stay on one side, with no floating movement. I am very scared that it is stuck because of those first couple days and will no longer develop correctly! Am I overthinking it? Is the embryo really stuck? If so, is there anything I can do to fix it? Will it eventually kill the embryo? I am panicking because I am already so attached to the little ones!

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