Adopt an egg broody hatch-a-long

Should I wait till any clears are removed or just start with all 24 and if needed people can pick another one.
Might give yourself a breather & wait til the clears are gone. I have a tough time keeping track when I have a lot, so having to remember who picked then repicked might be extra hassle in your already stressful overlapping hatch. But tag me either way!
Might give yourself a breather & wait til the clears are gone. I have a tough time keeping track when I have a lot, so having to remember who picked then repicked might be extra hassle in your already stressful overlapping hatch. But tag me either way!
true! This is very stressful! Remind me again how I ended up in this situation? LOL I was going to be sooo good and wait till the 4.5 and 7.5 weekers were out of the brooder before hatching more for myself again....... ummmmm ya so I now have 5 that are a week old, ummmm then 11 eggs that will HOPEFULLY all hatch the 20th..... and setting another 12 for me (the other 12 thankfully are not for me). Now I do have to wait till they hatch to count my chicks but that is up to 28 chicks before I was even going to hatch ANY..... OMG! Hopefully my broody will raise the middle ones so I don't need to worry about that at least.

Then the ones that have already hatched need to be inside for a bit. Hopefully in a couple weeks my other coop will be done so going to TRY to get the littles over to that one so the brooder is open and the ones in my house can go out and the new ones. and PRAY they get along since there will be about a 4 week age difference.......

but in my defense the group of 5 that I have, and the 11 that are due to hatch the 20th were all free eggs and breeds I have wanted....... LOL and I figured the others will be out of the brooder by the time the batch I am setting are hatched so that one was sort of planned. LOL
candled the incubator ones yesterday and they were doing great! checked the ones under Fajita (my broody) tonight and they were doing great as well. I had to give her 3 others from the incubator so I could fit the 24 eggs in that I had to set today. LOL
One week left!!!!!!! I am so ready for these babies to hatch and hopefully Fajita is a really good mom like she was last time!!

I most likely won't know who came from which egg since they will be under a broody but I will hopefully still be able to read #'s so can say who has hatched.

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