Adopt an egg broody hatch-a-long

I candled my day 3 eggs. Some I can't see in but lots I could tell had life. One I think is clear.

While I was checking those I figured why not check on these eggs that are still in the incubator. The 5 still inside are doing great. Didn't check the ones under Fajita. I will candle all of them on Wed when I give them to her for lockdown
I candled my day 3 eggs. Some I can't see in but lots I could tell had life. One I think is clear.

While I was checking those I figured why not check on these eggs that are still in the incubator. The 5 still inside are doing great. Didn't check the ones under Fajita. I will candle all of them on Wed when I give them to her for lockdown
how often do you do hatch alongs
how many chicks have you gotten from all the hatch a along?
umm hard to say but pretty much every hatch that I do. Which lately has been about every 3 weeks. LOL I think this one is my 4th adopt an egg..... then the one with the eggs on day 3 will be my 5th (I think......).
how many chicks have you gotten from all the hatch a along?
The first batch I hatched 13. The 2nd I hatched 14, the 3rd I hatched 16 but 1 died shortly after hatch....

But I sold 7 from the first hatch so only have 6 left and have 4 roo's I think so the roo's will be leaving too. The 2nd hatch I have only sold 3 so still have 11 of those but quite a few I already know are roo's so those will be leaving in a couple weeks hopefully.

the 3rd batch I hatched 11 for someone else so only 5 are mine. I still have those 5.

Then the 4th batch on day 15 (this hatch a long) I have 11 eggs going strong, will only keep 2 of these I think and sell the rest.

my 5th one that is on day 3 I have 24 eggs set. But 12 are for the person that gave me the eggs for this hatch a long so she will take any chicks that hatch from those 12 eggs. The other 12 eggs are mine and I will keep 2 from that one hopefully.

so guess the answer is LOTS! LOL but I sell extra pullets and find homes/give away/ or sell the roo's. I am planning on keeping around 7-9 from my hatches this year depending on what I get. As of now I will keep a splash Brahma, a lav orpington, hopefully a lav brahma (if one is a girl), possibly one I hatched from my EE, a CCL, maybe an ice cream bar (Isbar/CCL mix), an Ameracauna, and an OE. That is 8...... but guess we see who turns out to be pullets and how they look etc.
I candled the 8 Ameraucana eggs, 4 OE and 12 splash Cochin eggs today too. So far all 8 Ameraucana are doing great! I can for sure see life in 1/4 OE, the other eggs are really dark so harder to see in. think one may be clear but who knows so it is staying. Of the 12 splash I can see life in 7 for sure, 4 are ? still, I don't think I see anything but those eggs are harder to see in as well so waiting on those. and 1 was a clear think I saw meat spots so guessing that is why since any that had meat spots before never developed. So out of 24 eggs I have 16 for sure yeses, 7 ? and 1 clear...... Guess I see if I can make out the ? in a few days. LOL some may be in till closer to the end. LOL
I candled the 8 Ameraucana eggs, 4 OE and 12 splash Cochin eggs today too. So far all 8 Ameraucana are doing great! I can for sure see life in 1/4 OE, the other eggs are really dark so harder to see in. think one may be clear but who knows so it is staying. Of the 12 splash I can see life in 7 for sure, 4 are ? still, I don't think I see anything but those eggs are harder to see in as well so waiting on those. and 1 was a clear think I saw meat spots so guessing that is why since any that had meat spots before never developed. So out of 24 eggs I have 16 for sure yeses, 7 ? and 1 clear...... Guess I see if I can make out the ? in a few days. LOL some may be in till closer to the end. LOL
Meat spots?

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