Americana spits up foggy light brown substance!


In the Brooder
Jul 14, 2021
Our americana, Pudding, spat up this weird foggy brown substance today. i went into the coop today to check on a previously injured chicken who miraculously healed suddenly and i had gone to pick Pudding up while in there. i’m holding her on my side and she suddenly just drools out this foggy saliva like light brown substance, i immediately put her down and pick her up again to see if she’d do it again but she didn’t. anyone know what this is, is it sour crop? is so what should i do?
Did you squeeze her crop as you picked her up? Did the material she vomited smell sour or rotten? The best way to determine if she has a crop disorder is to check her crop in the early morning to see if it has emptied overnight. Then check if it fills up during the day. Is she eating and drinking? Make sure that she is drinking plenty of water. Here is a good thread about crop disorders:

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