April Fools' Hatch Along: Belgium Bearded D'anvers


8 Years
May 23, 2016
Pacific Northwest
well, sadly our early round of eggs got overcome with cold during a cold snap here in the Pacific North West while under our trusted Broody, but on an up note, the woman who supplied the original set through 4-H was nice enough to give us 18 more. we are on Day 10 and this is definitely in the "this never gets old department"! My kiddos 7 and 9 are having a ball watching the embryo's develop. It's amazing how in just 10 days a single cell becomes a squirming, active life! stay tuned for more updates as we approach the April 1st hatch date!

well, sadly our early round of eggs got overcome with cold during a cold snap here in the Pacific North West while under our trusted Broody, but on an up note, the woman who supplied the original set through 4-H was nice enough to give us 18 more. we are on Day 10 and this is definitely in the "this never gets old department"! My kiddos 7 and 9 are having a ball watching the embryo's develop. It's amazing how in just 10 days a single cell becomes a squirming, active life! stay tuned for more updates as we approach the April 1st hatch date!

we are just a few days away from hatch and we have verified that we have 13 kickers at this point! it's amazing how the eggs go from translucent enough to take a video of the moving embryo on day 10 to dark and barely able to be candled by day 15! my daughter is practically sleeping next to the incubator! and I can't say enough good things about the incuview, it's the perfect incubator for kids and adults and it just plain works like a champ!
here's a fun shot, can't see much but look at how dark it is, just 7 days later from the above video!


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