Avian influenza found in South Carolina

A thought, for those of you like me, who have a very large property. There’s plants, and bushes and song birds are going to be around inevitably. Could it be helpful to have Hurd feeders out? If you placed them away from the chicken run, could it actually help keep the birds away from the chickens?
In the short term. In the long term it will just make more tweety birds. That's not a bad thing either.... in normal times.
Could it be helpful to have Hurd feeders out? If you placed them away from the chicken run, could it actually help keep the birds away from the chickens?
Yep, that is my situation. I used to have a feeder on my balcony, which is on the same side of the house as the coop. When I stopped filling the feeder for a couple days, it backfired because the wild birds are apparently a lot more chummy with me than I expected. Every time I went out it got their attention and drew them over, so so it actually increased attention to the coop. So, I moved the feeders to the opposite side of the clearing with the house between it and the coop, and now there is much less wild bird activity around the chickens.
I'm done. Three weeks+ locked down and my hens are out of their minds. Every other farm in my area has their flocks free ranging. It's 72 degrees today and the grass is green. I let them out. The closest detection was over 100 miles away. Fingers crossed it doesn't get any closer.
My guineas are not happy, though at least they are using their coop nests now. Best of luck!
Yep, that is my situation. I used to have a feeder on my balcony, which is on the same side of the house as the coop. When I stopped filling the feeder for a couple days, it backfired because the wild birds are apparently a lot more chummy with me than I expected. Every time I went out it got their attention and drew them over, so so it actually increased attention to the coop. So, I moved the feeders to the opposite side of the clearing with the house between it and the coop, and now there is much less wild bird activity around the chickens.
My thoughts as well. I recently put up a feeder away from the run, so I'm hoping they'll notice it soon.
I let mine out too last weekend. It had been 30 days since the last of any detection in CT. I haven't taken down any of the provisions I put up, just in case. & the girls are in their glory to be let back out. Overall it worked well & I guess I'll know how to handle it next year should it come again (or this fall).

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