Barred rock, 3 weeks old... is this a male or female?

I am new to chickens, but if he has feathers on his feet he could be a barred feather footed breed. I have a barred cochin and he looked like that as a chick.
Feathered feet sure aren't normal for a barred rock; maybe it's a Marans? I'm not good at telling cuckoo and barred apart. But legs that are both pink and feathered? That's two strikes against barred Rock.
Hatcheries rarely have true, pure or bred to standard birds. The sell lots and lots of chicks and their focus is not like a breeder who specializes in a particular breed of bird. We tend to use the term "hatchery quality", which means you'll get a chicken. A healthy chicken, normally. If you want true Barred Rocks, true Araucana, or true RIR, you'll have to get them from a breeder, not a feed store.
What a crazy mix of all the wrong characteristics to be a barred rock. Boy, if hatcheries are turning out birds that are so far removed from standard why do they bother to sell different breeds?

I am guessing boy.
I'm guessing male and that is NOT a Barred Rock. BRs have yellow legs by that age (baby legs sometimes appear orangey-pink), no feathers on them, and even hatchery stock's barring is way more even than this little guy's.

I'm betting it's supposed to be a Cuckoo Maran, but even for a CM, that is a mess of barring.

If you sent a picture of that bird, including the legs, to the hatchery and they tell you it is one of their BRs, they've fallen farther into the abyss than I thought. I've had BRs from Ideal and McMurray and they were a far cry from that one.

Please don't get me wrong, he's cute as a button, but a pure anything, I'd seriously doubt.
Beautiful color! I am new, too and just learning. Some breeds of chickens do have feathered legs and feet like a Cochin for instance. Brahmas, Salmon Faverolle, Silkies...too. Mine are more heavily feathered than yours so maybe a cross between feathered and non-feathered...I don't know yet how the genetics for this trait works. It may be that it just isn't well feathered. Maybe a Cochin cross? Or even a Cochin... someone????
Thank you all for the input! :) Anyway, it seems that this one is a mystery chick with unknown mixed breed! Wonder how I got him...still hoping it's a her since we can't have roosters here. Who knows? Maybe it'll be a girl and it's so confusing because it's a mixed breed.
Here are some pics of when this chick was wayyyy younger. It looks like s/he USED to have yellow feet. But she always had feathers along her/his feet.
Does this change things? Seems his/her feet turned pink when the comb turned pink. Her/his feet and comb are the same color now. Light peachy pink.


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