Barred rock, 3 weeks old... is this a male or female?

I do see that the barring is actually slightly less of a mess than it was when he was a tiny chickster. I think you can safely say he's a hatchery Cuckoo Marans cockerel, as Pele said.
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Some updated pictures.

Very "incriminating" photos.

The comb and wattles look a bit MORE pink in the photos than in real life.
Still considered a Cuckoo Maran Cockerel?

S/he is now about 4-5 weeks old...

The sweetest chicken (but does scream when picked up).
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French Marans do have minor leg feathering, though. The Marans come with and without, though most hatchery stock I've seen does not have it. Still, unless he's just a mixed breed, he'd almost have to be a Marans (or the worst barred Cochin I've ever seen.)
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Do Barred Rock roos combs grow in pink, or start to turn pink later on? I have a 4week old "pullet" who I'm now wondering If she's a he. Her comb is just starting to turn pinkish. I am completely new to chickens keeping. Any thoughts?

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