Bay Area BYCers!

I'm new to this, 5 days locked in coop and 2 nights where they're allowed in the run. I have to coerce them in. What time should chicks be in the coop this time of year? 8 too early? I have 2 solar garden lights in the coop, are they bright enough? Sorting out the evening feeding- in the run or coop, what time?

I want to set my coop door opener correctly so they aren't shut out.

Thanks. So excited to ale it 5 weeks on this journey.
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@redapple out of the two coops we have, one group mosies on home around 745, and the other coop gets home and on the roost by 815. I have a wifi timer set to 830 , but have been monitoring the coop webcam these days to make sure all chix are in before the door closes for the night since he days are getting longer...
I think they are getting it. The went in with just a little prodding and got in their sleep huddle right away. I noticed that they start making noise around 8pm and hang around outside the door. I just have to stop watching them because I think they're waiting for a treat.
Redapple, they are waiting for a treat. They are always waiting for a treat. It is one of the core truths about chickens.

1. They multiply magically and mysteriously;
2. They go broody when you don't want them to;
3. They don't go broody if you do want them to (unless they are amazing bantam Cochin Broodybators); and
4. They are always waiting for a treat.
Redapple, they are waiting for a treat. They are always waiting for a treat. It is one of the core truths about chickens.

1. They multiply magically and mysteriously;
2. They go broody when you don't want them to;
3. They don't go broody if you do want them to (unless they are amazing bantam Cochin Broodybators); and
4. They are always waiting for a treat.
@redapple .... check that, @Chooklet is correct, chix are aaaalways looking for treats. If you have stash of meal worms, and the chicks are still young, you can start training them!
What does it mean when one refuses to take meal worms from me? Also doesn't participate in the rush. Yeah, accidentally got her toe scraped in the door during a rush for meal worms once, is that why? She's the hardest to get a hold of to take to the lawn.

They got in all by themselves tonight. 1-2 call them in, it takes several tries to get all 4 in, they are almost 6 weeks and it's a crazy big huddle. Ready to set the timer for 9pm.

I've been wetting their feed in tupperware so it doesn't fly all over. Just a single serving, but could this be why they don't eat much dry food anymore? They get a leaf of chopped greens mixed in and pick those out first.

I need a chicken palace, my Amazon coop is inadequate. All the predator proofing has made me confident I can buy an electric saw and make my own. (Says the person only 6wekks in).

My dad got them an ice block today since they were panting, but not yesterday when it was warmer? He said they were able to stand on it together!

Thanks for your help neighbors!
Hey y'all. I just hatched some Olive Eggers, I'm trying to add some new layers to my flock, but my hatching mojo seems to have run out. From 2 dozen eggs I hatch 3 chicks, 2 were cockerels, 1 a pullet. I set another 18 eggs that hatched this week, but only ended up with 5 more chicks...

So does anyone have day to week old chicks available?

I'm open to most breeds, but I prefer those that lay blue/green/olive/dark(er) brown eggs, breed isn't really important.

Hey y'all. I just hatched some Olive Eggers, I'm trying to add some new layers to my flock, but my hatching mojo seems to have run out. From 2 dozen eggs I hatch 3 chicks, 2 were cockerels, 1 a pullet. I set another 18 eggs that hatched this week, but only ended up with 5 more chicks...

So does anyone have day to week old chicks available?

I'm open to most breeds, but I prefer those that lay blue/green/olive/dark(er) brown eggs, breed isn't really important.


You could try the Northern California board; I think a few people are hatching there right now. I am hatching Bielefelders next week but I plan on keeping the pullets.
Hey y'all. I just hatched some Olive Eggers, I'm trying to add some new layers to my flock, but my hatching mojo seems to have run out. From 2 dozen eggs I hatch 3 chicks, 2 were cockerels, 1 a pullet. I set another 18 eggs that hatched this week, but only ended up with 5 more chicks...

So does anyone have day to week old chicks available?

I'm open to most breeds, but I prefer those that lay blue/green/olive/dark(er) brown eggs, breed isn't really important.


I have 70 eggs in the incubator that will hatch June 6th. All are Wheaten Ameraucanas, Legbar/Wheaten Ameraucanas crossed to Wheaten Ameraucanas, Legbars, and Marans crossed to Wheaten Ameraucanas. Kern

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