Blind Gosling?

Sometimes medicated start has a much to concentrated dose of something called acs, it can cause neurological issues in goslings and ducklings.
Just to be safe they should be on start that’s tailored to waterfowl.
If Crash is blind or partially it’s amazing how they can adapt. Responding to your voice is very important keeping feed an water bowls in the same place is too.
Bless their hearts. I’m glad your getting feed for goslings they may have a nutrient imbalance too and Chick starter isn’t the best feed for water fowl. Do you own the parents too? And if so are they healthy.

Yea we have the parents and their 6 lil' siblings. They are healthy and walking around the ranch. we found crash upside down stuck on her back twitching....was left to die. and we found bash huddled by the roots of a tree left to die....

Bash is also the biggest of all the babies.
Oh my gosh bless so thankful you found them. So parents needed to abandon them because they having problems would draw in predators . Just like in the wild it’s survival of the fittest.
Oh my gosh bless so thankful you found them. So parents needed to abandon them because they having problems would draw in predators . Just like in the wild it’s survival of the fittest.

Yesterday they took them down to the street...hopefully it was lessons about looking both ways before crossing.

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