Blind Gosling?

They free range with no fence my geese and the rest of my flock might last a week but probably not.

Haha yea...They have 200 acres to roam on...
my in-laws live in a small town in the NW corner of not much traffic..

Where could i get ointment for Crash's eye and how could i clear up the infection?
Some feed stores including TSC or Veterycin eye ointment. He may have cataracts I’ve heard of animals being born with them. On line to I’ve ordered the Terramycin from Amazon
200 acres wow they must be in goosey heaven. What will happen to these littles ones your caring for now?

We will keep them. We are converting one of the chicken coops into a Goose Coop so Crash and Bash always have a home.

I have been redoing all the electrical in them, so when they are big and strong they can go in there. First I have to make sure the heat lamps turn on at night and below a certain temp and redo the insulation.
My favorite part of the video I posted is at the 2 min mark. When I let Crash know I'm going to pick her up and she stands up...but when I pick her up and pull her out of frame the noise she makes and her lil' straight legs...its cartoon like and comical lol
That’s great. If you don’t see them get more stable on their legs there is Liquid BComplex from TSC and begin giving it to them. Water fowl need at least 100 Mgs of niacin a day chick starter does have near enough and when they already are having problems then this Durvet liquid B Complex can really make a difference. You can put it over their feed or give it to them by drips right inside their bills, it says injectable but we use it orally. If you decide to get this don’t let TSC employee talk you into anything else. I have a pic of the bottle if your interested. Brewers yeast and nutritional yeast is good but when there are problems you can’t beat the liquid b complex
That’s great. If you don’t see them get more stable on their legs there is Liquid BComplex from TSC and begin giving it to them. Water fowl need at least 100 Mgs of niacin a day chick starter does have near enough and when they already are having problems then this Durvet liquid B Complex can really make a difference. You can put it over their feed or give it to them by drips right inside their bills, it says injectable but we use it orally. If you decide to get this don’t let TSC employee talk you into anything else. I have a pic of the bottle if your interested. Brewers yeast and nutritional yeast is good but when there are problems you can’t beat the liquid b complex
TSC? and yes a picture of the bottle would be nice.
Tractor Supply. And I can’t tell you her eyesight is fixable only a vet can do that. But I know animals can adapt to handicaps and other senses get stronger. If you can get a good vet to examine them that would be a good idea. They are so precious. Been a long time since I have had goslings my geese are 13 and 8 yrs old. Sure makes me want some! With them I’d start them on .25 ml each and gradually increase till by 3 weeks they are on 1 ml daily till 10 weeks of age.
Hopefully getting them on this you’ll begin to notice a big difference in the strength of their legs.

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