BYC Debate Thread- What's The Friendliest Chicken Breed?

Unfriendly breeds in my opinion have been black australorps. We had them as a starter flock when I was a toddler, and I remember them hating me. Several times they pecked me so hard it drew blood. They also hid their eggs. They didn’t have a good personality and they generally hated anyone and everyone. They just chose to take their anger out on the littlest human.
Of the few layer breeds I've been around I've seen my fair share of mean Rhode island reds.
I am very new to the chicken scene so can't share in the debate, but I'm taking notes to decide what breeds to add to my flock in the future! Currently I have only 4, 2 blue Plymouth Rocks and 2 Barnevelders. The blues are always the first to get in my lap so far and they're all only 3 weeks old. The pic is when they were 2 weeks. Thats Nugget at the top then clockwise there's Skye, Stormy Raven, and Noodle. :love
We've only raised one batch so far, but out of the 4 breeds we have, I would definitely say Speckled Sussex!! Our little Helga is not only beautiful and has the softest feathers in the world, but she is so sweet and calm at all times! She never runs from us, gets along great with the rest of the flock, and is fine with being petted or picked up anytime (except when she's molting - then she gets skittish). She's not the best layer we have, but she's so sweet I would totally get more of this breed in a heartbeat!
Of the few layer breeds I've been around I've seen my fair share of mean Rhode island reds.
I had one RIR and she was a jewel. She would come to the back door and sing until we came out, then she would take us to her egg. She also loved cuddles. Sadly a raccoon got her along with many others. The past two I have had have not been outright mean but they have kept to theirselves.
I can only speak for the few breeds I have experience with, but fortunately, All of mine are friendly with me. All will come running if called, jump on my lap for pets & hugs, etc.

If you mean friendly even with strangers, I'd have to say the ISA Brown & Comet Hens are the friendliest, because nothing seems to phase them. They have the sweetest, fearlesss, outgoing, calm & friendly dispositions I've ever seen on a consistent basis...with eachother, strangers or other pets. Even if another hen tries to peck & instigate a squabble, they won't engage. I've seen other hens peck at them, they just ignore & keep doing what they're doing. Other hens do pecking order pecks, a few jump up & kick, act as if spurring, but that behavior never involves the ISA Browns or Comets. Those girls refuse to bully, or be bullied, they're just too happy. 😊

As far as loving to snuggle & be hugged, all of my 10 Roos will, but 5 of the Roos would stay on my lap All Day Long if they could...2 EEs, 2 Buff Orpingtons & my RIR Comet Roo mix are the Loverboys.

Buff Brahma Mama, a mix hen is also a wonderful, sweet, maternal love hen. She's a more calm, relaxed kind of friendly & other hens gravitate to her, she is like the "Dorm Mom" of the coop. Any hen low on pecking order will go & snuggle up with Chanel, no one messes with peaceful Chanel, it's amazing to see.

My chunky Wyandottes are so used to me scooping them up for hugs, so while initially their attitudes were more aloof, they've become friendlier over time.

My RIRs, Marans & Barred Rocks are friendly but they're more energetic, like kids that just ate Easter basket candy, 😆. Their version of friendly is Not lots of snuggling, but rather run to me, jump up to see if I have anything for them, accept about 30 seconds of pets & hugs, then happily run off scratching & pecking to dig up bugs nearby.

I am Blessed not to have any really mean ones. My Barred Rock Roo was always spunky, he could've easily turned into a meanie, but luckily he just plays games with me & isn't really out to cause harm or injury. As long as I speak to him, he is cool. 20220410_171939.jpg 20210717_193830.jpg 20201130_224650.jpg 20201004_114004.jpg 20211107_154352.jpg 20210504_114833.jpg 1601489388046_image.png 20201004_115201.jpg 20201121_204843.jpg
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@Snowflake da chicken
@Sooner Magnolia
@Spiky spurs
@Spots Daddy
@Spring H
@Steam Powered Chicken
@Steven Phillippe
@Stonewall Acres
@Strange Hatter Farms
@Sue Gremlin
@Sun dancing chicken
@Sunrise Yolks
@sunshine ducky
@Susie schmitt
@Suzy Hamilton
@Sycamore Hill Chicks
@Taking Flight
@Tall Holly
@Tall timber chickens
@Tammy N
@tao chick
@Teresa the chicken lady
@Terri Harmison
@Texas Chicken Mom
@Texas Transplant
@The Angry Hen
@The Backyard Bantams
@The Cave
@The chicken Hatcher
@The Chicken Man 1234
@The chicken nurd
@The Chicken Whisperer
@The Cottages
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@The Farmers' Daughter
@The Gardening Chick
@The Golden Egg5
@The Happster
@The Kooky Kiwi
@The Moonshiner
@The Okie Chicken Lady
@The Phantom
@The WinterWolf
@Three Little Bunnies
@TimberLine Homestead
@Tin Fraser
@Tonopah Tammy
@Tonya the Chick Mama
@Tracy Oneal
@Tuch baluch
@turkey girl 0964
@Two Eggs In One Yolk
@two j farm
@Uff Da
@Ursuline Chick
@Vanessa Elle
@Velvet Sparrow
@Verna Y
@View from the Coop
@Viv Chick

@Wee Farmer Sarah
@West Bend
@West-Gin Farm
@Wicked Storm
@wicket 07
@wildcat chix
@Will the chicken guy
@Willawong Hill
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@Winter Creek Coop
@Wyorp Rock
@Y Ferm Fach
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@Yep I Talk To Chickens
@yo momma DUCK
@Yorkshire Coop
@Your Pace Of Grace
Sorry for your loss, but have to admit, for a second there I thought it said @Kiki :eek:
Another vote for Easter Eggers!

I suppose they aren't an actual breed meaning that their personalities most likely differ more than other actaul breeds, but in my experience they are the friendliest chickens. I currently have four EEs and three of them love cuddles, though even the fourth is still friendly enough to jump onto my lap for attention.

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