We do not own barn cats, but have one piece of tuff fluff. He has been with us since 2007. Then we got some demented fluff who is about the same age but could not be taken back to Germany by original owner due to the Texas heat in the summer(airline rules) so we took him on. We now have a feral taking us on and eating our food so we will see where that relationship brings us. I do like these feral cats though, however, they need to be traffic, roaming dog, bobcat, coyote and jagarundi smart to survive in our neck of the woods. Also the feral I would appreciate getting to the vet for a full exam and workup/TNR if I could trap it without harm. They shouldn't be exposed to pests my own animals aren't or bringing it on the property. I should ask my vet for ideas but know I would just catch demented fluff nightly by setting a box trap. Demented Fluff lost his house access unless placed in the cat cage because he likes to pee on anything absorbant and the vet checks say there isn't a medical reason. We do bring him in for extreme weather and daytime feeding because the chicken know where we place the cat food.
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This is our new cat. He’s one of the abandoned cats we’ve been feeding and we finally caught and brought him home the other day.
My wife brought snuck in a rescue tuff fluff (we don't have a barn so she's disqualified) ... She was brought in to veterinary practice my wife works at as a feral with a litter of kittens 2 years ago, we rehomed all but one of the kittens to which I foolishly agreed to and then 2 weeks later the mother appeared (back up to 5 cats)!

Even though she hunts everything I have never seen her show any interest in the chickens (we have a wildlife camera up to see if anything is sniffing about). We believe she is blind in one eye.


And her child - Loki (with Bert)


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