Chicken Breed Focus - Dominique

I got my girls for the eggs. They are a year old. Their medium sized eggs are the same as extra large in the grocery store. The are really sweet friendly ladies.
I have Doms, Ameraucanas and an English Orpington and the Doms are by far my favorite. they are the friendliest birds in our flock by far.

I thought I read somewhere that in the late 1960s was when what was known as the 'dominecker' was split into barred rocks and Dominiques to seperate the different combs and bc one was wanted for a meatier bird.

is this true? I don't remember my sources.
Hello, I'm a new Chicken Mom, I have 15 Dominique chicks that were hatched 4/2/16.
My chicks are wonderful, I already can't imagine life without them! When I walk anywhere toward their run they all come running to the fence, when I go into the run they all come around me & a few jump on my lap! They are very curious & are all nice so far! Oh & they LOVE their treats!
I got a little Dominique as my mystery chic in my McMurray order. It had pasty butt at first and was growing much slower for the first week. Then it just started growing out of nowhere and is almost the same size as the other and heavier than most. It's also one of my favorites. I'm hoping it's a hen but it's delayed feather growth and friendly nature is screaming Roo to me.
Here s(he) is at 2 weeks.


The comb is what gave it away that it wasn't a cuckoo Marans.
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