Clipping her wings didn’t work?? Don’t understand.

Create a presentation demonstrating how your approach works. Typing the same very limited statement over and over again helps no one as you have nothing so far to back it up.

Rather than following me around challenging me to do a presentation on wing clipping (that I have already said no to), why dont you keep this in your own thread and stop bothering folks in their thread/s? As I have said before the only thing you and I agree on is the birds must stay in their environment.
Keep this up and I will add you to my block list! (which I have at this point never used)

OP my apologies for your thread being hijacked.
Rather than following me around challenging me to do a presentation on wing clipping (that I have already said no to), why dont you keep this in your own thread and stop bothering folks in their thread/s? As I have said before the only thing you and I agree on is the birds must stay in their environment.
Keep this up and I will add you to my block list! (which I have at this point never used)

OP my apologies for your thread being hijacked.
I suggested you demonstrate what you do using birds that are problematic. By what you do, I mean the approach you advocate.
I suggested you demonstrate what you do using birds that are problematic. By what you do, I mean the approach you advocate.

I dont at this time have any "problematic birds", and have not had any in years. The exception to that would be some cockerels, and they go to the BBQ, but they were headed there anyway. I have 2 GEMs that I clipped their right wing 1/2-3/4 of an inch of the light flight feathers (just the frilly tips), not for jumping a fence but for flight. Flight is getting up, soaring, turning, in their case they were making 20-30 feet up and cruising around the farm. I did find it odd that they flue over an open gate rather than the fence,,,
I look for what they are looking for, as in the grass is greener on the other side of the fence,, it was, and in my case I have plenty of land and opened more pasture for them, issue gone.
When they were going out in the street (gravel road) for the grit, I used the garden tractor and a box blade on part of the run. Lots of tiny rocks exposed, issue solved.
And I find a fishing dip net is my best tool! They absolutely hate being caught in it!
Every bird is an individual, and everyone's situation is different. Not everyone has extra land they can open up, or a place they can grade for their girls, these folks will need to use another approach that achieves they same goal. Such as giving the girls lawn clippings (maybe from the neighbors), and/or a pan of grit,, etc..
common since goes a long way.
Have a nice day
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OP as you have found clipping the wings is not always the answer
And IMHO clipping both wings is always wrong! The purpose of clipping a wing is to set them off balance so they do not fly (going over a fence is not flying).
I was gifted an EE the poor dear had both wings clipped to nothing. She could still jump 8 feet to a tree limb!
I myself look to find why they go over the fence, then change that. In the long run this is more effective than clipping wings. If one goes over my fence, I chase it down with a fish net, they absolutely hate the net!. Curiosity is hard to fix,,,,
I have 4 brown shavers one I call her Henry (Henrietta) always flies over the fence in the morning and comes down around the deck.. She knows I will pick her up and carry her up to the paddock and place her back with her mates. I do this while giving her a pet or two and talking to her. I think she has come to like this. 2 Days ago I clipped her wing right side only all the flight feathers. She still manages to fly over in the AM. I also have 2 rescue cats who are curious about the chickens as they are indoor/outdoor cats and avid hunters. But they have not gone after them stalked them yes but they pretty much know that they are not to be messed with same as the pigs. But if I could get my female cat to herd her up to the paddock which is surrounded by electric fence (so obviously Henry has not been zapped yet) I might have a solution

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