Crazy 24 hour auction thread

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Dang this ebded sisn't it? URGH

I would have bid $16

You gonna do some more?

I will later - I am adding more to my bator at the moment - I keep hatching out roos

Cool, i willhave to stalk this thread for a while~
Looks like this thread has died. Id anyone's interested, I have an offer of LF barred rock and barred cross eggs 18+ to ship Monday, $5 plus actual shipping and $2 for packaging materials. Any takers?
I don't know about shipping in this weather but I can offer a mixed collection from what I have that might be laying, I have five colors in Cochin, Americaunas, Amer.x Golden Laced Wyandott, Amer. x White Leghorn, RIR and some Toppy Game chickens. woulld try to make a dozen with in the week and ship out say on Wednesday of next week!!! Lynn
I will get it started by offering 24 eggs. This will be an assortment of Large Fowl BBS Orpintons and Blue Turkens, all of my birds are still seperated but when I gather the eggs they all go in the same basket so no guarantee on what you'll get but will be mostly Orps as I only have 3 or 4 Turkens laying at this time.

In the Turken pen I have a Splash Turken rooster over Blue, Black and Splash Turken hens

I have 3 pens of Orpingtons

Pen #1 is Blue Rooster with Blue and Black hens

Pen #2 Has 2 Black Roosters with 5 Black hens and 2 Blue hens

Pen #3 Has Splash Rooster with Blue and Splash hens

Start at $5.00
Shipping and bubble wrap will be $15.00
Hey - I don't mind helping out again. I don't have anything but preorders at the moment, but if someone is interested I will list. Getting that time of year again

Glad to see everyone back
Not trying to be a buzzkill, but I'm pretty sure the new "all sales are in the provided auction format, no bumping allowed" policy was specifically caused by this thread. There are sales limits on number of auctions per month for regualr members and GFM members, and it would be a moderater's worst nightmare to be assigned moderate this thread with the new sales rules in place. I'm pretty sure this thread will be locked. I'm sad to see it go, because it was A BLAST and a lot of people got to buy and sell eggs like crazy... Anyone know of an unregulated forum where we could all go to have a crazy auction thread, I would join just to get this going again.
no one did anything wrong. Some people had trouble jumping in and understanding what was going on and the moderators/staff just felt like it was a bad idea. I think seeing all the sales flying right and left and sideways made them realize they need to capitalize on it somehow. I can't blame them. Maybe they would have seen a lot of income if they had just put a 10% levy on every sale, honor system, but human nature y'know... eventually that system would just go by the wayside and they would not get anything. I can fully see their point. It is just that this was FUN thread, and a great way to move eggs quick.
oooh can we share pm style? This would have been the first time I was able to do it and was so excited to find this thread only to find out we cant do it here?
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