Do chickens deter deer?

Deer don't like any changes in their area, building a coop and run will make them skirt the area until they decide it isn't a danger to them.

They will likely be back.
The answer is no. The deer and my chickens feed together when the birds are free ranging. I have deer, cotton tails and chickens all munching away on the lawn, looks like a scene out of Bambi.
The deer munched the sunflowers planted outside the chicken run last summer. Our dogs have been indoors more through the winter, 2 does and 2 fawns from last year are feeding around the chicken pen daily. 8' high fencing has been the only way to deer proof our place.
I got chickens last April and that hasn't kept the deer out of my yard and garden this winter, mostly at night. Deer are accustomed to fowl (wild turkeys) and will eat out of the same feed pile that the turkeys were feeding out of an hour before.
The deer at my place have no problems with the chickens. If you're wondering, we had to lean some plywood up against the coop to keep the snow from drifting in.



I haven't read all the responses yet but this should answer your question -- my flock playing around the deer

The deer still come in the back yard where the coop is. I wish chickens did deter deer but I would have to say no at least not here.

And we always see deer in the cow pasture.
My girls love it when the deer come into our yard. They go right up and graze with them. One chicken even chased the deer around the yard..It was very funny to watch.
In my area we had a huge acorn crop compared to the previous two years. So I haven't seen very many in my yard.

Squirrels on the other hand are everywhere. My chickens will chase them away from the bird feeders.
Thanks for all the replies and great pics. Definitely looks like the concensus is no! Guess the deer found something better this winter than my plants and yard.

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