Duck eggs day 21 Air cell photos and Incubation pictures

2 ducklings have hatched!! More are zipping!

“Mark”, the duckling who pipped at the wrong end, has expanded his pip. The other one, “Ruu” is still alive with its safety hole. I might wait until tomorrow to assist it further
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Wrong end babies take 48-72 hours
I wouldn’t do anymore
The safety hole id perfect
Not to big so sit gets in but that goo doesn’t dry to the duckling making the hatch impossible
If my wrong end babies don’t make their own stuff I will candle them after 48 hours
Not from the air cell but between the air cell and the safety hole on the side of he egg
If I see and veins I wait 4 more hours and look again
I do not open my eggs until I see a clear egg
Many wrong ends can hatch themselves
Be patient, these guys still need the same amount of time to absorb as those who got 24 hours in the air cell
15 ducklings have hatched now!!
A couple more are zipping. There are 14 eggs still to hatch. Only 3 haven’t externally pipped and I gave those 3 tiny safety holes. Those 3 are all Indian Runners.

Congrats!! are the hatched in the brooder the others are going to need some room looks pretty crowded in there. lol

I also agree moving some out would make room for those needing to hatch
Yes, I took 5 out last night to make room. I’ll take some more out in the morning. It’s 2 AM here and I’m going to check on them right now
I took all the hatchlings out. 19 ducklings I think. It was getting chaotic and messy in there. There are 10 eggs still to go.

I’m a bit worried about the first duckling that hatched, “Goldie”. It can’t walk right - just scoots around. It’s also a very small duckling. I know it’s less than 24 hours old, so hopefully it’s still figuring out how to walk. Goldie seems lively and has drunk some water with nutri drench. I’m feeding them flock raiser and I added nutritional yeast. I do have Durvet vitamin b complex but haven’t used it yet
Make sure she doesn't get trampled. You could always place her inside a clear container so she is safe until she gets her legs under her. Was she one you had to assist? if so they take longer to get over it.
Currently I have her in a separate box with a few of the others so she doesn’t get trampled. No, I didn’t assist her at all.

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