Duck eggs day 21 Air cell photos and Incubation pictures

The incubator started working normally again after malfunctioning for about 3 hours….
Here’s the one I’m currently assisting. Just letting it rest and absorb and moistening the membrane
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lots of veins still.
Nothing like getting a full flock at once , what all breeds and are they all your eggs?
How is this one doing now? it can take a while for them to straighten out so hopefully your seeing progress.
It’s doing a lot better but still not “normal”. It can sit upright and hold its head upright but it isn’t interested in doing anything but snuggling with its buddy. I have given it tiny sips of nutri drench

Then I had a whole new problem with this little guy who hatched a few hours ago. He zipped halfway and then got stuck because the contents of the eggs was like hardening glue. I had to help pick shell off him and finish the zip because he was completely glued in there. He’s just resting and looks ok now, just very sticky.

2 more to go!

Most of the eggs are from my flock. They are a mix of: Silver Appleyard, Khaki Campbell, Cayuga, Swedish Black, and maybe a bit of Indian Runner.

9 of the eggs are Indian Runners that I bought.

Here’s the sticky duckling



Here is the weak duckling, left, with his buddy “Ruu” one of the wrong end babies
There are members on here who have had sticky babies and had to clean them up or are you familar with doing it?
I haven’t cleaned up a sticky chick since I was a kid. So no, not really. I’m going to do some research on here. Fortunately it’s very lively but it has its wing gummed down and some gunk hardened onto its rear end which I definitely need to clean up. Fortunately it is the only one that has been sticky. I was afraid the next one would be like that too

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