
In the Brooder
Jul 24, 2015
Old Fort, TN
We have an average annual high of 71, average annual low of 47, and average annual precipitation of 54 inches of rain. It does hang out at nearly 90 for around three months straight and sits around freezing for two months. I am leaning towards an even mix of Rhode Island Reds, Easter Eggers, and White Leghorns. What good layers would do well in this type of climate without much if any added heat/cooling devices? Thank you.
Those breeds will be fine. They do not need heat or cooling devices. (Except as baby chicks)
You are way over thinking things. Get some chickens that you like the look of and enjoy them. Chickens are tough animals and can adapt very well.

If you're really that concerned, by some chickens from someone who sells them in your local area. They should be well adapted to the climate.

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