Hatch-Along - putting some eggs in the bator for a march hatch

15.5 hours after pipping, we had the first hatch. RIR. I just happened to walk into the room to grab a file and I (as I always do) glanced into the incubator and I could see the first 'pipper' had ziped. I called the wife who had her hands full with making some dough. I took the tool out and started to continue work and though "I might just go back and get a photo" took a still, then swapped to video as my oldest boy walked in, 29 seconds later it was free! Amazing to watch.

Another still, followed by a hour or so later.

Of the 7 that were in there, one has hatched, 5 more have pipped and one is as it was, which we have suspicion died earlier in the week before our Day 18 candle. High hope for some more chicks by the morning!
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We have one with no pip yet.

I am new, so take my experience with a grain of salt, but most of ours had tiny little pips, but took hours to absorb the yolk before zipping. Our first was the longest around 15 hours before the final push.

Two had rolled against the wall, and was hard to see the pip's, one was also misleading as it was at the small end.

Your could pip at any time today, tonight or tomorrow, then take that day or night to hatch. My research shows temp and airflow play a big part in sequence and day's of hatch.

Best you can do is make sure the environment is close to correct as possible and wait.
Six of the seven that went in have hatched.

Just a couple of pics.

They are all out now (except the one we were worried about. Candled it this evening and it had not changed since last time it was candled Day 18.

Six of the 7 that went into lock down made it.

A couple of images of the four in the brooder.

Light Sussex (L) and RIR (R)

Other RIR

Our two boy's, Cooper (6) and Riley (4) They are very happy as they can see into the brooder box hahahaha

How I found our only surviving Australorp.....gave me a heart attack! Not the way to nap!
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One week left!!!! I cannot wait to see what hatches. We have a silkie/cochin bantam rooster and an americauna rooster in with the hens, so I am interested to see what the chicks look like and who fathered who
Just did my 8 day candle,4 of 6 have constant movement.I tried 2 days ago and could only see 2(the lightest shells) with action.Looks like with luck a few NN will be here on St Patty's day.
Well, we finally got the candler, was supposed to be delivered on Friday, but just got here today.

I candled all 15 silkie eggs tonight, we are on day 11. 14 had good movement that was really easy to see (my kids thought it was awesome, this is our first hatch). Some were really easy to see "parts" head, eye, leg. Pretty amazing.

Just one had only a blood ring, of course the kids wanted to open it and see inside, LOL!

So exciting!
Well, lockdown was tonight! I re-candled everything, and all 23 eggs left from the original 28 chicken eggs looked perfect, as well as the 20 quail eggs! In three days I should have new peepers

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