Hatch-Along - putting some eggs in the bator for a march hatch

Up to 8 pips in the chicken eggs!!!!! I am super excited. 2 pips are my frizzle eggs, 1 is a OEGB, and the other 5 are Americauna/Americauna mix hens covered by either my silike/cochin roo or my americauna roo. I can't wait to see what they look like :D
Spot on, Bens-Hens! 5 Americana eggs have hatched, and 3 bantam eggs. Others are zipping around like crazy! The quail eggs have no change, though
Hopefully some of those will hatch. All the Americauna chicks have feathered feet, so I know who their daddy is! But today is the actual hatch date, so maybe we'll have some quail by the end of the day.
I have a problem.. My incubator freaked out and was at 104-106 last night for maybe 4-6 hrs. I'm on day 16.I candled and there is some sluggish movement this morning. Do you guys think they will be OK?
Up to 12 chicks. One chick dead in shell
at least one quail will hatch, I'm not sure about the others.... 3 bantam eggs have had no change at all, so I'm not expecting those to hatch. The 12 that have hatched are super cute though!

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