Help!!! Sheep RAMMING people !!!


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
11 Years
Feb 20, 2008
Opelousas, Louisiana
I have a 2 year old barbado sheep (male) that has become very aggressive. I also have 4 (female) barbado sheep but they are not agressive. All of them are very tame or at least I thought HE was. I spend a lot of time with them. They will eat out of your hand. The male is becoming VERY agressive. I have had him since he was 6 months old and have not had any problems with him besides him rubbing up against me a lot. He is starting to charge and ram ME and people that visit me! This is totally unaccpetable and dangerous. I do not know what to do. I have to watch my back when I go out to feed him. I have started carrying a spray bottle filled with water. When he begins to run towards me, I immediately lift the bottle and point it at him and I spray him and this stops him in his tracks. What could be causing this behavior? Has this happened to anyone? What can I do to stop this behavior? I don't want to give him away but at the same time, I do not want him to injure me or possibly kill me. If there are any sheep or goat whispherers out there, please let me hear from you. I'm desparate!!!!!!!!!
Breeding season and an intact buck cause this problem. I used to raise clublambs and the bucks would weigh in over 200 lbs. I never turned my back on them and always took a board in with me. My boys were pretty docile, but you can never trust the boys in rut. I know of full grown men that have been seriously hurt/killed by a mean ram. I would never consider allowing strangers into the pen with a boy.
He luvs you! Awww!
The spray bottle seems like a good idea..
EXCELLENT ARTICLE !!!! I think I have created a monster. Everything in the article relates to how I have "played with" and "handled" my boy. Sounds like it's my fault. I have definitely been enlightened on this topic. WOW !!!! I never knew.

Thanks for posting that link.

Now I have to decide what to do with him.

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