HorseGirlAbby's flock thread!

Well, it's been exactly a month since I said anything. šŸ˜… Charlotte hasn't learned how to lay in a nesting box yet, the stinker. She's been laying for three months, and they've all been on the floor, except when I force her to stay in a box. Bean and Cleo, however, both laid their first eggs this week, and they've been using the boxes! Bean has laid three, her first on the floor, then the others where they're supposed to be. Same with Cleo, though she just laid her second today.
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Our original four chickens, Peeper, Bukky, Goldy, and Baroness, will be six this year! Yikes. Six others, Silver, Sprinkles, Delaware, Dover, Gidget, and Little Nancy, will be five, and even Holly, Ivy, and Mo will be two. Everyone's getting so old! Mr. Beard will be three, I believe, and the littles will be a year. Out of all the hens, Gidget is the only one for sure not laying. She hasn't laid since she was two. All the others laid at least a couple eggs last year, so I have hopes!
Some random other photos:
Little Nancy:
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Gidgy against the sunset:
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Beautiful pictures!


It never fails. I take Peeper outside to get good pictures of her, and they end up like this...

Then Bukky pretends to be a supermodel...:p

Charlotte decides outside isn't as scary as it seems...

Delaware acts just like herself...

And then they all leave.

From left: Delaware, Goldilocks, and Bukky.

Three of the four pullets are laying, Charlotte, Cleo, and Bean. They all laid on the same day for the first time last week!

Big Dover also decided to join in laying, I guess she was feeling left out. Holly and Ivy are checking out the nest boxes, but no one's in any hurry. Mr. Beard tore off a toenail the other day, which was interesting to doctor. I had to wait till they were on the roost, because I can't even touch him during the day. Then I tried to find his hurt foot in the dark...reaching around all the hens, because of course he picked the worst spot. It didn't go too badly, though, and he's pretty much healed now.

We got the first case of avian flu near us a few days ago, so we're all on edge now. The bird netting around the run is still mostly intact, and we don't free range the hens, so they're relatively safe where they are.

Anyways, that's what's been going on! Hope y'all are doing well.
It never fails. I take Peeper outside to get good pictures of her, and they end up like this...
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Then Bukky pretends to be a supermodel...:p
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Charlotte decides outside isn't as scary as it seems...
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Delaware acts just like herself...
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And then they all leave.
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From left: Delaware, Goldilocks, and Bukky.

Three of the four pullets are laying, Charlotte, Cleo, and Bean. They all laid on the same day for the first time last week!
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Big Dover also decided to join in laying, I guess she was feeling left out. Holly and Ivy are checking out the nest boxes, but no one's in any hurry. Mr. Beard tore off a toenail the other day, which was interesting to doctor. I had to wait till they were on the roost, because I can't even touch him during the day. Then I tried to find his hurt foot in the dark...reaching around all the hens, because of course he picked the worst spot. It didn't go too badly, though, and he's pretty much healed now.

We got the first case of avian flu near us a few days ago, so we're all on edge now. The bird netting around the run is still mostly intact, and we don't free range the hens, so they're relatively safe where they are.

Anyways, that's what's been going on! Hope y'all are doing well.
Love the pictures!!
Guess who's laying??!! GIDGET!!!!!!!!! She hasn't laid in three years, ever since she molted for the first time. It's so exciting!
Gidgy when she used to lay. She was sitting on ten eggs before I took the picture. šŸ¤£

I need to get some updated photos of everyone. The best way to get good picture is to let them outside one by one, but sometimes that's not possible. There are a few, like Mo, Ivy, Cleo, Penny, Bean, and Mr. Beard, who I don't trust outside, because I can't catch them. Everyone else is pretty good. But the weather's been bad, overcast and windy, and I've been really busy, so it'll have to wait a bit. Soon, though, everybody will have a portrait.

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