How cold is too cold to let my girls into the run?

I think a part of the reason this works is that there are 14 of them. I'd be leery of trying this with few than six chicks. I'd also be careful to be sure the temps were at LEAST 50 when you're starting out, and that your chicks have a sheltered place to be out of any winds that may crop up. Oh, and either have a netting or some other way to keep them from turning into quick snacks for any hawks you may have hanging around.
Good point...I have 22 of them, so they had no trouble keeping each other cozy!
Not that it was very cold, but my birds enjoyed a major hail storm yesterday. I ran out to make sure they were all in the coop...and instead found them pigging out on the hail.
i let my chickens free rage everyday. it's their choice wether they want to get wet, if its raining, or if they want to stay in the coop(though they never do)

this is just my opioion and i respect everyone elses
I'm somewhat new to this too, but I let my girls decide. I don't live where it gets extraordinarily cold, so I never lock them in their coop. Depending on how cold/warm it is, decides how much ventilation I use in their coop. To make myself feel better, I bought some thick, clear painters plastic and using tarp clamps, I tied it around the top of the run. It offers just enough sunlight, but when it's raining, they don't get drenched. The only drawback to this method.. you'll have to put some kind of prop in the middle/top of the run.. otherwise, you'll end up with a swimming pool on top of their run. :p I took a 2x4, cut it exactly the width of my run, then cut the excess pieces and stacked them on top of each other, making something of a chimney effect. The water will pool a little around the edges, if it's raining hard, but my girls seem super happy that we care enough to offer them an alternative. :)
As soon as mine are feathered they have free choice of inside or out. They do have a small area in the run that is covered but they seem to not mind the rain. If it's still cold at night, I have a light they can come in and get under if they need it.
I am new as well, but mine seem to enjoy the outside run and especially free range over the coop in just about any weather. Every once in a while I will catch a few of them roosting in the coop during the day, but 90% of the time they are outside. Its rained here all week and I let them out to free range each evening. They were tearing up the worms yesterday! A couple of days ago I let them out and it started to rain. I went outside to put them away and found that all 6 of my pullets were huddled up underneath of one of my pine trees. Laying in the needles and keeping dry from the rain. They seem as content as they could be so I left them there. After a bit they all came out and walked back to the coop. They can handle the weather so much better than we think they can and as long as they know the coop is home they will use it when needed.

I keep coonhounds as well. They come inside when I am home, but during the day I leave them out. Young ones don't understand to go for the dog house when it rains, but after a few days they figure it out. After enough cold and rainy days they will learn to love the dog house, just as the chicks will love the coop. JMO
I agree w/Rachel BB. I live in SW VA and I let my chickens out everyday to roam my property, rain or shine, hot or cold. The only time they like to stay in the chicken house is when there is snow on the ground, but definitely come out to walk on the trails that I create or on the hay/straw that I lay down over the snow. As Rachel said, they usually stay out of any down pours, but they always want to tour all of their favorite spots. The elements definitely keep them hardy. Jean
I have a secure run so my coop is only closed on below zero nights or if a big snow storm is coming. They can get under the coop when in the run to get out of the rain, but they don't seem to mind the rain as much as they like to stay out of the direct sunshine. I can go out in a downpour and they'll all come running to the gate with that "what you got for us?" look on their faces. They do look like drowned rats sometimes but it's their choice to be in or out of the rain.
Thank you all for your advice. I've been letting them decide. I open the door and then its up to them. They are locked in the coop every night because of predators. (We had an incident last night but thankfully everyone was fine).
I have all my chickens out in all weathers, it is very wet and cold lately and the youngest I have out is 4 weeks, chickens are not stupid, if they are to cold they will go somewhere to warm up, mine love the rain because of all the bugs, they go in and warm up or dry off then there back out again, just let them get on with it
same here, mine were out in minus 10*F and go out in the rain if they choose.

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