How many duck eggs did you get today?

The first 18 months of my Runner and Buffs lives from 4.5 months on until 18 months they were egg laying machines and all the way through winter. Up until 2 yrs ago when they stopped laying over winter. They are 6.5 yrs old now. Now they stop in Oct and start back in March and April.
Thanks for letting me know. I was curious about all of this!
1, and I am very happy about it. My Khaki Campbell used to lay all winter long. But, now that she is 5 1/2 years old, she grows new feathers and takes the winter off. My crested Silver Swedish and my Welsh-Khaki mix both have also molted and are again taking the winter off. But, my six month old Swedish x Khaki-Appleyard mix decided to start laying 2 weeks ago :celebrate. Her eggs are still small but I am hoping she continues to lay all winter. I really do not want to have to buy chicken eggs like last year. We really are partial to our fresh duck eggs. This is her:
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All they all together? Just curious how they get along with one another.
Yes 5 drakes all together. They have changing allegiances. All is well when they ate out foraging during the day but sometimes there are disputes in the coop. I use dog crates in the coop to separate
out either one(s) that get picked on or ones that are doing the picking on!! At the moment, I have an often aggressive muscovy sleeping in a crate and my big soft lump of a muscovy who is in a big molt and out of sorts, sleeping on top of the dog crate (I have the plastic tray from inside the dog crate on the top with pine shavings in it.) The boy on the top comes to the coop when all the other boys are already inside and I lift him up out of the reach of the three pekins. I also have a 6" cardboard barrier made from a box to stop the pekins reaching up and pecking at him. They are really taking advantage of his molt to bully him when only 4 weeks ago they were best buddies following him. around or being followed by him
1 laying as of this morning, but she’s the one recouping from a coyote attack. Time for her to take a break and those other two layabouts pick up some slack! (Sigh, if only it were that fair).

My quackers tend to start up for the season in late Dec/ early Jan. My layer right now brooded the first clutch of the year, so she’s had her time off and started laying again probably about a month ago. My Rouen started setting in Jul, but abandoned it and molted a couple months ago, so she may resume any time, or wait to midwinter. My other Cayuga has been through her brood and molt as well, so same for her.

The chooks are keeping a steady pace- leghorn, comet and black star all still churning out daily. The Sussex, Wyandotte, and Easter egger/Australorpe take turns rounding out the average 5 a day. Mama Easter Egger and my PBR are done for the season, I think.
Zero! It’s been many weeks since I saw a proper egg. Maybe 2 weeks ago, someone made an attempt and passed a soft-shelled egg, and there was one day that I had to give Daphne her “emergency calcium”. However, that’s it!

My two Rouens just finished molting, and my Muscovies are mid-molt.

I’m just happy that Daphne made it through another laying season! (Jinx)

Now, it’s time for them to rest, grow new feathers, and stay warm.

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