How many duck eggs did you get today?

I am still getting my usual 5 eggs from my 5 layers
My other 6 girls are only 4 months so not at laying age yet
My pekin laid all through winter last year Minus when she sat for 30 days on her eggs then another week off after that
She has been a machine and I really hope she takes a break this winter
@DuckyDonna showed me a video of how to properly store eggs for a year
This way you can get through the slow winter months and still have plenty of eggs to eat
Zero! It’s been many weeks since I saw a proper egg. Maybe 2 weeks ago, someone made an attempt and passed a soft-shelled egg, and there was one day that I had to give Daphne her “emergency calcium”. However, that’s it!

My two Rouens just finished molting, and my Muscovies are mid-molt.

I’m just happy that Daphne made it through another laying season! (Jinx)

Now, it’s time for them to rest, grow new feathers, and stay warm.
That is wonderful to hear Daphne didn't have problems this season. ❤️
I'm sorry I
Thank you! She did have problems, but the combination of Calsorb + soaking + a brisk walk seemed to be enough every time! Of course, when I got home today, she needed a little Calsorb :idunno. She keeps me on my toes!

read your post wrong. Great you are there to help when needed.
I am still getting my usual 5 eggs from my 5 layers
My other 6 girls are only 4 months so not at laying age yet
My pekin laid all through winter last year Minus when she sat for 30 days on her eggs then another week off after that
She has been a machine and I really hope she takes a break this winter
@DuckyDonna showed me a video of how to properly store eggs for a year
This way you can get through the slow winter months and still have plenty of eggs to eat
Do you have a link to the video?
During the summer months I usually get 8 eggs a day from 8 ducks. This usually slows to no eggs by this time of year. I told my egg buyers we were done until spring but then we had an unusual heat spell for a week. More eggs - argh - honestly I'm done with eggs until next spring.
What breed ducks do you have? I have Pekin
I'm getting 10-11 a day from the 13 layers.
What breed do you have? I have Pekin
1, and I am very happy about it. My Khaki Campbell used to lay all winter long. But, now that she is 5 1/2 years old, she grows new feathers and takes the winter off. My crested Silver Swedish and my Welsh-Khaki mix both have also molted and are again taking the winter off. But, my six month old Swedish x Khaki-Appleyard mix decided to start laying 2 weeks ago :celebrate. Her eggs are still small but I am hoping she continues to lay all winter. I really do not want to have to buy chicken eggs like last year. We really are partial to our fresh duck eggs. This is her:View attachment 3307238
Well way to go, little one stepping up her game! :highfive: She sure is a beauty! I totally understand about the store eggs, thankfully I haven't had to do that in a while!
Yes 5 drakes all together. They have changing allegiances. All is well when they ate out foraging during the day but sometimes there are disputes in the coop. I use dog crates in the coop to separateView attachment 3307342 out either one(s) that get picked on or ones that are doing the picking on!! At the moment, I have an often aggressive muscovy sleeping in a crate and my big soft lump of a muscovy who is in a big molt and out of sorts, sleeping on top of the dog crate (I have the plastic tray from inside the dog crate on the top with pine shavings in it.) The boy on the top comes to the coop when all the other boys are already inside and I lift him up out of the reach of the three pekins. I also have a 6" cardboard barrier made from a box to stop the pekins reaching up and pecking at him. They are really taking advantage of his molt to bully him when only 4 weeks ago they were best buddies following him. around or being followed by him
Good to know. Sounds like you've got it figured out! We have 2 Pekins about 8 weeks old. Thankfully 1 is a female, and we believe the other is a male. We are new to the duck adventure!

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