How the Heck do You Get this Thing OPEN?!?

They can get crazy tight even when they are greased with vegetable oil or Vaseline. I put the handle over a t post pounded in the ground and turn the waterer. Works pretty good.
T-Post! Thank you! I have one of the same waterers, and similar problems. I have to be careful how much I tighten the lid. Still, sometimes when it's frozen around the lid what I have to do: Take it out of the base and lay it on its side, press a knee onto the bottle to hold it, and use shoulder and arm strength to get the damn lid off. Saves my hands, but still a pain in the ass. Most days I just press my boot against the base and bottle, and can use both hands then to open the lid.
I have a T-post not three feet away from where this waterer sits, and never thought of using it. Thank you for the suggestion!
Mine does the same thing, I used vaseline on the Oring. It still gets tight every once in a while. My biggest beef with it is cleaning under the jug, what a pain in the ^$$.
cleaning under doesn't bother me. I just pull it off and hose it down. Overall I seem to tolerate this waterer better than others, even with these issues. My chickens, well I know they aren't going without water when I give them the nipple kind, but they don't seem to like them very much. they love this one, and I know the feebleminded among them can handle it
There is a different brand that makes this style of waterer but it's an octagon shape instead of smooth around - those don't have to be tightened very firmly at all. They're what I use and I've never had one overflow. Little Giant, I believe they are.
There is a different brand that makes this style of waterer but it's an octagon shape instead of smooth around - those don't have to be tightened very firmly at all. They're what I use and I've never had one overflow. Little Giant, I believe they are.
ty. you know I do like them, but I've wasted so much $$$$ on waterers and feeders over the years. And I still have them all in my shed. Usually I just throw their feed down in the AM, and they have access to pellets in a feeder in the coop that I swear they never touch.

There is no perfect feeder/waterer.
When you put the cap on, make sure you don't strip the threads. Did that with one of mine, and it is a PAIN in the a$$ to open/close now. Also, you don't need to close it all the way, just enough to keep the water from free flowing out.
I agree, they are much easier to clean than other waterers.
:idunno I feel like mine is the only one of these type waterers that actually works good😅
AGREED! I have only one of the plastic waterers, but plan on getting more as soon as the remaining two of my metal waterers give out.

These things ^^^ have proven to be a pain. They LOOK durable and long-lasting, but they are not. They are prone to leaks, I don't care how carefully you handle them. With the first two that gave out, it was because I ignored instructions to never lift it by the handle on the lid. They sprung leaks before they were a year old. The third one was handled better, but the bottom rusted out in several places. I patched it, but then the little peg rusted out too (and left another hole). The fourth one (smaller size) is on its last legs and I'm being extremely careful with it, except a bit of the lid that fits under the peg has broken off and I have to be very sure the lid is fitted down all the way. It sits on a concrete block to protect from rust. The newest one I have (bigger one) is also on blocks, it sits near the water hose so I never have to lift it (but if I do, it's by the internal handle only). The only issue I'm having is the tight fit and suction; I struggle to pull the lid off (and therefore, violating instructions to never lift it by the outer handle! ugh). And despite sitting on a heater base, the upper halves still freeze together so I can't get the dang lid off.

I'm done buying the metal ones and going back to plastic, and/or setting up nipple waterers with bucket heaters.


These ^^^ have other issues, too - besides struggling to get the lid off. It's not easy to get my hand inside to clean it out, and algae tends to build up if I don't keep the water treated. And the plastic base is FRAGILE and prone to splitting if handled roughly. Do NOT tap the base against the ground or another object to loosen ice. At least new parts (base, lids, O-rings, caps) are available to order so you don't have to replace the whole thing. It's easy to lift and move, and won't rust. Despite warnings to not use plastic waterers on a heater base, it works just fine for me.

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