I'm so old I Remember when:

It wasn't at one time. My point is that 100 years ago people ate more fat, and were healthier. Today heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in America, but our diet has "improved".
Oh yeah.

my sister is pretty intent on eating stuff that's fatty but also not bad for you. She won't touch soy either. Something to do with estrogens or something like that.
The funny thing is that animal fat is actually healthier than the garbage marketed to replace it. Most products like that are unusable byproducts from some large industry. "Hey, what can we do with this stuff?"
Hmmm.... can we refine it and then sell it as a "healthy alternative to fat?" Yup, yup. And it's flying off the shelves.
Today heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in America, but our diet has "improved".
Our diet is sh-crap.

Gotta stop there; this is a hot button for me, and I've had enough for the day.
Hmmm.... can we refine it and then sell it as a "healthy alternative to fat?" Yup, yup. And it's flying off the shelves.

Our diet is sh-crap.

Gotta stop there; this is a hot button for me, and I've had enough for the day.
Margarine. Once I was really young and went to my uncle's. I was sitting with my cousins and they had bread. I asked for the butter. They told me they didn't have butter and handed me the container of Factory Waste, er, Country Crap.

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