Is it right to give a dog away for killing 1 chicken and injuring 2



Jul 13, 2023
Pittsburgh county, OK
My dog who I got 3 months after my chickens last July killed my brothers favorite hen and hurt two other hens one being one of my 3 og chickens and a friend is saying it is completely wrong and that chickens have way less value than a dog but he’s also saying that all of my pets should be treated equally.
It's not really a matter of right or wrong. When we bring a pet home, we re agreeing to provide that pet with the best home and life we can provide. Sometimes the best home is with someone else.

If you keep this dog you are going to have to make changes to ensure your birds' safety. Most likely this is going to mean beefing up your coop/run security AND putting in some time training the dog. If you can't, or aren't willing to, do that then rehoming the dog is probably for the best. It's not fair to the dog to constantly be mad them, and it's certainly not fair to the chickens to be in constant danger
It's not really a matter of right or wrong. When we bring a pet home, we re agreeing to provide that pet with the best home and life we can provide. Sometimes the best home is with someone else.

If you keep this dog you are going to have to make changes to ensure your birds' safety. Most likely this is going to mean beefing up your coop/run security AND putting in some time training the dog. If you can't, or aren't willing to, do that then rehoming the dog is probably for the best. It's not fair to the dog to constantly be mad them, and it's certainly not fair to the chickens to be in constant danger
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She’s the worst possible mix to be near chickens a lab blue tic coon hound mix and she tore in and started attacking and my German shepherd grabbed ones wing but other than that he kinda just followed her he is used to being in the run with no leash because he knows he has to have permission to hurt something and she gave that to him because even though we were working with her she took off from us and when she came back she must have noticed the chickens since the winter tarp was gone and she attacked even after being hurt by chickens before when one got out and she tried to hurt it it attacked and messed up her face

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